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Touch me without touching me
Know me like you know the back of your hand
Love me not by just saying it with your lips but more of your actions like a race car movie clip
Don't hurt me like you wouldn't hurt yourself

Move me without putting your hands in motion
Be afraid of losing me like your afraid of losing your phone

When we together don't make me feel alone
Lend me your ears and let me see your eyes
When I talk to share my heart don't make me apologize

In exchange of all that you give me , I give you my heart that's almost every part of me
To love is to take risk of the unknown but I'm not a fan of the unfamiliar , I like to know where I'm going

Don't give up when all the signs say stop and don't stop reaching even if the tree gets higher
Don't lose faith even when the trial just started
If you can't stand the storm don't start the rain

If my heart or me is not enough then leave me from where I came
I don't want to start you up and then leave in vain

If that day ever come, I'll never be the same !

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