Heart of the Wolf

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I walked in the outskirts of a city in ruins, dragging a long stick in the dirt. I glanced up at the pinkish orange sky as the bright orange disk of the sun sunk below the horizon. It would be night soon, and I would have to find a place to sleep.

My name is Isolde. My eyes are an unusually bright icy blue color which stands out against my darkish skin and ebony black hair. I was a survivor of the nuclear explosion eight years ago. My parents and family all died, and I was left to take care of myself at only nine years old. Now I'm seventeen and used to living alone. I've never even really had any friends before. I was always a loner, and wouldn't let anyone get close to me. Now I felt a bit lonesome as the last of the sun vanished into night.

I looked up at the moon, only a thin white crescent. Stars glowed brightly, scattered about the sky like dust. I searched through those white specks for the lupus constellation, which I seemed drawn to. I soon found the stars that seemed to form a curled up wolf with its head bowed.

I stared at constellation intently. It seemed to be calling me. Whispering voices swarm in my head. It was impossible to understand what they were all saying, but they sounded urgent.

Suddenly I was snapped out of my trance by a piercing sound that split the air. I never heard a wolf howl before, for wolves have been thought to be extinct for years now, but I was almost certan it was a howl I heard.

I snapped my head up towards the sound. How was it possible? Wolves were extinct! Before I knew it, I found myself running towards the howl.

My feet took me up a steep mountain side. I reached the top and froze. It was indeed a wolf, but it was pure white and ghostly. Mist swirled around it as it howled into the night air. Then it turned to me- and spoke.

"Isolde?" It asked.

My breath caught in my throat. If it wasn't weird enough to SEE a wolf... This one was TALKING, to ME! "Y- yes?" I force the word out.

"Isolde, the child of the wolf. You are the chosen one. You must save the fate of the wolf kind. You must save the whole world, and you must destroy the dictator!" The spirit wolf pounced at me, and mist swirled up around me. I watched in paralyzed fear as the mist suddenly swarm inside of me.

Before I knew it, I was alone, and everything was quiet. "This must be a dream..." I began to sway and collapsed as everything grew dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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