Hi, my name is [ Blaize ].

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I don't know how to start this, but hello. I'll just type random things (a list) about myself and hope something comes to mind.

1. My name's Blaize
2. I live in Michigan.
3. My favorite color is green.
4. I'm awkward as heck and can't really socialize with people my age or make conversation well.
5. I sometimes talk to myself not aloud, but I'll say it in my head and mouth the words as I think them.
6. I read a lot of fanfiction instead of having a social life.
7. I'm a dropout.
8. I get really emotional over different things.
9. Music relaxes me.
10. I like Megan Thee Stallion, cupcakKe, and The Front Bottoms.
11. I would like to write fanfiction, but I'm not very good at describing certain things.
12.I draw, but kinda badly.(like I'm proud)
13. I like Hannibal, Adventure Time, and Supernatural.
14. I have a tumblr, but I mostly just reblog and ramble.
15. I'm kind of a perfectionist, not for other people, but just how I do things.
16. I had those things, the solar powered dancing animal things, and I loved them.
17. I had a cat, and his name is Jack, but he do
didn't answer to it.
18. I know most people don't wanna grow up, but I do and have a little house somewhere, pay bills, have a job, it just sounds really exciting for some reason.
19. I can't say no to some people, in fear I hurt their feelings.
20. I don't really have high standards for this book.

I kinda babbled on about everything. I'm sorry. Hopefully, I write in this everyday... Take care..Bye...

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