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Amelia wanted to smash her head against the brick wall of Vic's house as she waited. Why couldn't she have just gone home like every other day? She had lots of catching up to do for bio health, her stupid teacher wouldn't give an extension, even though she was away at hockey camp so she could play for the state next year. Bio health was probably her worst subject too, but she couldn't afford a tutor, and her teacher wasn't the type to help after class. 

She could hear Vic talking faintly through the wall, she had still refused to go inside. Thomas would say no to Vic and probably start talking him down. "Amelia?" Vic called from inside. Did Thomas tell him her name? Ugh. "Thomas wants to talk to you."

Wordlessly, she took the phone from Vic. "Yo, what's up Thomas?" 

"Nothing much Ammy, Vic explained what happened. I want you to get a ride with him, okay?" Thomas explained.

"No!" Amelia groaned, "I don't need to, I walk this way home every day, I'll be fine!"

"C'mon Ammy, it's one day. You grazed your leg and got tailed by a pedophile, it's safe, I have his number, address and plates. You'll be fine. I'd come get you but we have some newbies in." Thomas explained.

"Fine." She said dully, and hung up.

"Okay, want to get in?" He motioned at his car. "I just need to go inside and lock up."

Again without saying anything, Amelia got into the car and dropped her bag by her feet after taking her drink bottle out. The backseat of the car was trashed. Beer cans laid around and empty food packets were strewn on the seats. Next to her in the console was a packet of cigarettes and an empty Starbucks cup. Overall the car needed cleaning, and she was disgusted. Yeah, she was judgmental, so what? She liked cleanliness. 

The back door opened, and Vic was standing there with a rubbish bag and started shovelling things in. "Sorry, I've been away. My friend borrowed my car and didn't clean it." When the back was clean Vic moved to the front, and grabbed the Starbucks cup, looking at the cigarettes in disgust. "I told him not to smoke in my car... fucking hell."

At least he didn't smoke, Amelia thought, like it mattered. She dound herself trusting Vic, but she still felt on edge from being tackled in netball, her leg grazed and followed home by a creep. Normally wasn't as harsh and would be happy for help in these situations, but she just wasn't feeling it today. When Vic finally got himself ready, they started to drive.

"I used to go to Clairemont High." Vic said, "So I know the area well." Amelia just nodded.  Why would she care about that?

"So I noticed you live in the halfway house." He remarked.

"And?" Amelia asked.

"I have a friend who adopted from there a few months ago. You might know her."


"Yeah, her name's Kartia"

Amelia was surprised. Her and Kartia were best friends. They both didn't want foster families and were both sporty, although Kartia focused more on school. Then Kartia was adopted, Amelia didn't know why she accepted the offer, but she moved out of state and they never really talked again.

"Seriously? Kartia lives with one of your friends?" 

"Yeah, I can take you to see her sometime if you'd like." Vic offered.

Amelia was slightly taken back. She barely knew this guy, why was he offering her out of state road trips to visit her friend she hadn't talked to for months? Did he want to adopt her or something? Somehow she doubted it she had been pretty rude.

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