CHAPTER_3_[you woken to lips pressing against your forehead knowing already whose lips it was you started to smile while you opened your eyes]
you:good morning love did you sleep well (little laugh)
Jay:yes I did love but why did you sleep on the floor and not in your room
you:(lie) I fell asleep before I even realized it
Jay:O my sweetie loves her sleep don't you
you:you can say that again Jay
Jay: hahaha you are weird but that's okay that's why I love you
you: awww sweetheart you know what to say to make my heart melt
Jay:I know something that will make you super duper happy
you: and that is?
Jay:I'm making breakfast for us
you:yay I'm super duper happy
[you and Jay laughed at your reaction.
after you finished talking Jay went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
you tried to stand up but your body felt numb you told yourself that your not giving up and started forcing yourself to stand, when you were standing your phone rang]
caller ID Doctor
you: hello doctor
Doctor: hello mis.(y.n.) I am calling to inform you that I want to see you about your condition.
you:okay Doctor I will be there in 20 minutes
Doctor: okay see you soon
end of call~
[you looked at you phone while crying .but Jays voice brought you back to reality]
Jay: hay love breakfast is ready! time to eat!!
you:I'll be right there Jay
Jay: o sweetie is it okay if I don't eat breakfast with you my Dad needs my help at the company and he wants me to come right away
you: it's okay I don't mind if your Dad needs you then he needs you
Jay:okay love see you soon
you:see you soon
[after Jay said goodbye you went to your room to get ready to see the doctor.
after you finished getting ready you felt sick you ran to the bathroom and started spitting blood.
you were shocked at the blood coming out your mouth but you snapped yourself out of it and went to the doctor.]
Doctor: hello mis.(y.n) nice to see you again please take a seat
you: so doctor what did you want to tell me
Doctor:it's actually bad news mis.(y.n) your illness is actually worse than I had thought
you:meaning what doctor
Doctor: tell me mis.(y.n.) have you gained any symptoms offer the few days at home
you: yes it's numb body , no energy and just this morning I've started spitting blood.
Doctor: well mis.(y.n.) at this rate you only have 3 more days left
you: no that can't be
Doctor: I'm sorry mis but it's the truth and if I may ask did you tell anyone about this state your in
you:no doctor I haven't told anyone yet
Doctor: I suggest you tell your people soon otherwise they will get hurt badly
you: I don't know if I can doctor
Doctor:tell them now so that they can prepare themselves for losing you and so that they don't make empty promises with you for the future
you:(starts to cry) okay doctor
Doctor:who should I call
you:just my mom and dad
Doctor: will do so
[after that the doctor left he called your mom and dad telling them about your health condition and that you don't have long to live he gave you the phone to talk to your parents all that you hurd was one question offer and offer again "why didn't I tell them"
after a while you told your parents not to tell your friends and Jay that that is your job to tell them about the illness.
after a while you hung up the phone and started to cry because you don't know how to tell your friends about the illness but the worst part is that you have to tell Jay but you don't want to see him cry]
you:(crying) how can I tell him about this he will be hurt and I don't want to hurt the one I love.
[you went back home and locked yourself in your room because you didn't want anyone to see you cry.
you started to grow tired of all the stess and pain you had to bair.]
SKIP a few hours
you:(waking up) I'm still tired even though I just woke up and my body is in more pain.
[you hurd your parents entered the house while shouting your name you shouted back that you're fine ]
Behind the door
mom and dad: sweetheart if you need us we will be here for you and if you want something we will get you the things you need.
you:(I knew that they will treat me different) it's okay mom,dad I don't need anything right now and I'm not weak I can do everything I normally do.
mom and dad: o okay you know where we are if you need us
you:yes I know
[After that your parents left you alone because they wanted to give you some space because they can only imagine what time you are going]
Sad ending
Short Storyyour life was perfect until one day you past out waking up in the hospital where your future was changed by a rare illness.....