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Jinyoung sat on the couch, waiting for Jackson to arrive home. He was celebrating their third anniversary with him, just two months late. It was not that Jinyoung forgot but instead Jackson was so busy with his schedule that he could not make time and he forgot the postponed date as well.

The cake was already set on the dining table with candles lit, the champagne glasses and the bottle itself on the table as well.

Jinyoung stared at his phone, waiting for a call or message to pop up. But there was none. He were getting irritated and annoyed as the clock ticked but there was still a glimmer of hope in him that he would suddenly appear and surprise him.

The clock continued ticking and jinyoung's eyelids were getting heavier. Without realising, he slowly fell asleep.

Jinyoung were awoken by the sound of someone closing the door. It was none other than the man he loves. Jackson. He looked at the time.

3 a m

Jinyoung's eyes snapped back to Jackson who was very tired. He sat down next to you and closed his eyes while greeting you.

"Hey. Sorry I came home late, I had a event to attend to." He explained and Jinyoung was disappointed.

Did he forget what day it was? Did he not see the cake and the champagne?

Jinyoung looked at the dining table and realised that the candles were blown out and the house was a little dim. He was hurt by the fact that he did not even looked at his preparation despite the blown out candles.

"Do you remember what day it is?" Jinyoung asked in a quiet voice.

"Isn't it a Monday?" Jackson replied, eyes still closed.

Maybe if i push him a little more.

"No, as in, do you remember a special event going on today?" Jinyoung continued to ask, hoping he would remember.

He saw his eyebrows furrowing together. "Besides my schedule, I don't think there are other special event."

Jinyoung's heart broke. Tears were starting to form. It was fine that he could not celebrate with him but the fact that he forgot was the thing that hurt Jinyoung the most. It did not happen just once. It happened most of the time.

Jinyoung looked away and blinked your tears away. He sniffed, muttering under his breath. "Forget it. I can't believe you forgot." Jinyoung stood up and was prepared to go to his room but Jackson grabbed his wrist.

Jinyoung suddenly felt a wave of relief, assuming that he remembered.

"Forget what?"

The relief that was washed over him disappeared the moment he said that. Jinyoung's sadness soon turned to annoyance.

"I said forget it Jackson. It's okay if you forgot, it's not that important." He tried escaping his grip but it only got tighter.

Jackson was now standing up and he turned you around, forcing Jinyoung to look at him. "Tell me, Jinyoung. I want to know."

He shook his head. "It's nothing, Jackson, nothing." Jinyoung's voice was raising and so did he.

"Just tell me, Jinyoung! Stop being so sensitive and stubborn all the time. It's annoying so just tell me what I forgot. God, is it that har-"

"FINE. You forgot our third anniversary and guess what, this was the fourth time we postponed it and you still forgot!" Jinyoung yelled but he was not done. He saw Jackson's eyes softening. He was about to say something but Jinyoung beat him to it.

"I'm sorry if i'm always annoying, sensitive and stubborn, okay?! It's just how I am. I thought you didn't mind, I thought you weren't like other guys who thought the same but guess not. All boys are the same and thanks for finally admitting what you felt about me."

Jinyoung looked down at the floor, preventing the tears from falling but they still did. He wiped them away when he felt Jackson's hand lifting your chin up.

"I'm so so so so sorry, Jinyoung. I didn't mean to forget all the time. It's just that I've been so busy that I kept forgetting. I'm sorry, please forgive me." Jackson pleaded but he could not handle it.

"I knew dating an idol was going to hard so I hesitated but I still agreed because I could see that you were different and that you would not make me feel alone. This three years with you.. I endured a lot. I received hate and love from your fans, stares wherever I go, fans coming up to you to ask you for photographs and whatnot. It was tiring Jackson."

"I wanted to break up with you but you, you never seem to be affected by the fans and you still loved me and spend the most time you had with me. That was the reason I stayed but after this year started, you became busier with promotions and I felt proud that you and your teammates were getting more attention but I knew that meant that you were going to spend less time with me. I was prepared but the least I had expected from you was you remembering our special day. Even if it was a text, I would appreciate it."

Tears were continuously flowing as I spoke my mind and so was Jackson.


"I'm tired Jackson. Both emotionally and physically. I'm tired of all the comments I get about me and I'm tired that I have to wait until dawn just to see you. Sometimes, I don't get to see you at all. I.. I just can't stand this anymore."

"Jinyoung, please don't leave me. I can't live without you Jinyoung, please don't do this to me." Jackson plead and looked at you with tears.

Jinyoung avoided his gaze and looked away. "Let's break up Jackson, it's for the better anyways. I won't be in your way, you can focus on work better and I can start living like a normal human being and start having a normal dating life."

His words cut Jackson piece by piece. He felt his whole world falling apart. He let your wrist go and were trying to register the words you had just told him. His world, his babyboy, was leaving him.

Jinyoung turned away from him, grabbing his phone and was about to leave when Jackson rushed to the door,

"Jinyoung, please. I will do whatever I can to improve. I'll be a better boyfriend, I promise! Just don't leave me." Jackson said and looked at him with pleasing eyes. But he shook his head.

"It's for your own good, Jackson, and mine too. We need to live our lives like how we should."

"But I want to live my life with you, Jinyoung.. Baby, please."

Jinyoung wanted to stay after he said that. Seeing him cry made his heart ache but Jinyoung had to act strong despite the tears he had just shed.

"I'm sorry Jackson." he whispered and walked past him.

As he opened the door and was about to leave, Jinyoung said one more thing.

"You weren't my first, Jackson, but you definitely was my best. I won't be able to find someone like you and I just want you to know that my heart will always be with you. I love you Jackson and I always will. Good luck with your future, I can see you shining so brightly. Goodbye Jackson."

And with that, Jinyoung closed the door and finally all the tears that he was holding back came flowing out.

Jackson, on the other hand, was crouching on the floor and crying his heart out. The life that was precious to Jackson just walked out of his life. His cries filled the empty house. He looked up and noticed the cake and the melted wax candles. He walked over to it and noticed a picture of him and Jinyoung. There was a note on it and it said:

Happy 3rd anniversary my wang gae! I love you!

-your park gae

More tears flowed out and Jackson clutched the picture to his chest as he cried.

"I'm sorry Jinyoung, i'm so sorry."

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