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final chapter and prepare your tissues, you're gonna need em!

play the song when you reached the dash or you can just play it through. it's up to you ^^

jinyoung's lips quivered as jackson was slowly being covered by the coffin door.

he watched as the coffin was placed on a flat surface which has wheels below and was being pushed away from him.

jinyoung entered the next room which had a glass window. he watched as the coffin was being pushed into a grey-looking container.

a lump formed in jinyoung's throat and the tears threatened to spill again.

jinyoung couldn't care less about his tears and allowed them to flow. all he wanted right now was jackson but he was not there anymore.

his heart was being clenched up when he saw the heat that was coming out from the grey-looking container.

mark held him close and comforted him as jinyoung cried out his feelings and the pain that he was going through at the moment.

"it's okay, jinyoung, it's okay. cry it all out." mark pulled jinyoung into a warm hug and jinyoung cried his heart out.

jinyoung sat on jackson's bed, looking around the room. the floor was full of his clothes, there were beer cans lying around and papers lying around.

jinyoung got comfortable in jackson's bed as he took the stacks of letters that jaebum had given him earlier on.

"jackson wanted you to read this. he said it was his last words." jaebum said, handing over the letters to jinyoung.

jinyoung's hands trembled as he received the letters. he stared at the envelopes and they all had TO: MY PARK GAE labelled at the front which made jinyoung choke on his tears.

'it's now or never.' jinyoung thought to himself as he took a deep breath and started to read the letters.

one after another, jinyoung realised how much jackson missed him and he realised how much jackson knew he was at fault.

the more he read, the more jinyoung continued to blame himself. he regretted leaving him that night, he regretted finding someone new, he regretted letting jackson mourn on his own.

as time passed, jinyoung was at jackson's last letter and it felt a little thick. jinyoung prepared himself because he knew this was the letter that summarised it all.

he carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the two pieces of paper inside. he opened them up and started to read.

dear jinyoung,

before i start this letter, i want you to know that i'm always here. not physically but mentally. i'm always there supporting you in your heart and i'm always here if you need someone to talk to. i would not reply but do know that i'm listening and taking in everything that you are saying.

do you remember the first time we met? i still do. i remember that day. it was late at night and i was at the studio practicing. i practiced until three in the morning and i was getting hungry so i went out to the nearest convenience store to get some food. that's where i met you. you wanted to buy some food but you were short of money so i paid for you and it continued from there.

you know what was my first impression of you? i thought you were cute. and you are but not to mention savage too. but i was attracted to you from the first day that we met. we sat down with our cup noodles as we talked. it wasn't a long talk but i felt intrigued by your personality.

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