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I stood at the edge of the cruise ship, looking at the seemingly endless expanse of sea before me. I stared down at the shimmering deep blue, watching the ship part the mass as it glided through the water. The water gleamed and appeared to glow, bringing tears to my sensitive eyes.

I shifted my vision upwards slightly and watched the line where the sky met the sea. The light blue of the beautiful daytime sky and dark, shimmering blue of the sea were almost indistinguishable. The only thing stopping the colors from becoming one was the location each was confined to; the blues weren't allowed to mix.

I unfurled my arms and reached towards the masses of blue. I could feel the cold air brush against my arm and flow through my hair. The strands of blonde attracted the sun and traveled with the wind. I could feel the strands lick against the edges of my face and kiss my cheeks. I was lost in a world of beauty, each sensation bringing my mind closer and closer to peace. I searched my mind for thoughts but found none as I stared at the beauty around me.

An unexpected sensation filled my thoughtless void. Two hands wrapped around my waist and a head rested itself upon my shoulder. "Hey, babe" a soft voice whispered by my ear. I felt the sweet sting of a kiss on my cheek and a bit of blush colored my face. I smiled and turned my head to the left to catch a glimpse of my girlfriend. She stood there with me, her vibrant, icy blue eyes focused on the sea surrounding us. I let out a light chuckle and turned my attention back to the sea.

The water was beginning to rumble and quake more - it seemed like it was getting tired of this voyage. The light blue of the sky was broken up by the grays of the puffballs overhead. "Huh, looks like it's going to storm" I quietly muttered to myself.

The sea yelled, letting out years of pain and agony through its roaring. The clear, happy weather turned mad and brooding. If this was a cartoon, the clouds would be scowling. Gradually, the sea started fighting the cruise ship and becoming larger as more time passed. I watched the sea from the edge and continued standing there as more and more time passed. Eventually I noticed a weight being lifted off my shoulder and a soft voice telling me of its departure. I continued watching the sea,
entranced by its horrific beauty.

Eventually, the water actually grew to be a big enough force to push the boat. Even as I was pushed into the edges of the boat by the force of the water, the trance didn't leave me. If anything, I was more entranced as the water grew more powerful. I looked into the gorgeous water as it pounded against the ship and sent my light body to and fro. A smile played at my lips as I began thinking about how great it would be to feel the cold touch of water.

The idea of water on my skin was extremely tempting. I grabbed the edge of the boat to steady myself, the cold metal of a fence causing my skin to tingle. My smile grew and I lifted my feet over the fence and sat on the bars. As I held tightly onto the metal, a wave knocked into the ship and nearly sent me flying backwards.

I licked my lips lightly and dropped myself off the fence, embracing the beautiful cold of the raging waters. In the matter of seconds, water filled my lungs and pulled me under. I frantically tried to swim back to the top, but the waves pushed me everywhere and ruined my sense of direction. I could no longer tell which way was up and which was down. The trance had left me and all I could do was worry as the need for breathing slowly consumed my thoughts.

I had a few seconds to reach the surface and catch my breath. A few seconds before I ran out of air and began to breath water. I swam aimlessly, going insane as the threat of death was the only thing on my mind. Then, I stopped fighting. Everything went black and no thoughts filled my mind.

A scenery of blue filled my vision, my heavy breathing the only noise in my ears. I trembled and tried to think of anything other than the horrible nightmare from which I had awoken. I looked around me and ran my hands through the sand under my body. I touched my cold skin and attempted to calm myself down - which is easier said than done.

My breathing evened out and my mind cleared. It was just a nightmare, even if it was a nightmare of something that occurred. I grabbed a handful of sand and allowed it to filter itself through my fingers. I laughed lightly and wiped away a nonexistent tear from my eye - after all, you can't cry from the bottom of the ocean. I was laying down on the sand of the ocean floor, a siren in a world of pain.

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