Meeting for the First Time

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Emma looked outside of the van, at the white house. She played with her hair with hand, wrapping it around and around her fingers. She breathed in deeply and stepped out of the van. Her cousin ran and embraced her. "Emma!"

Emma embraced her back; "Hey Jessica! How are you?"

"Good. I can wait to spend two whole weeks with you! We will have so much fun!"

"Me too! I can't wait. So, can you help me with my bags?"

"Sure. Which ones do I take?"

Emma handed her two bags and Emma grabbed the other two. They trudged into Jessica's house and put Emma's bags into the room she was going to sleep in. Emma said hi to her aunt and then ran outside with Jessica.

They ran quickly to the park, which was right outside Jessica's house. They ran to the swings and sat down on the swings. Jessica looked at Emma; "So how are you?"

"Good. I am so glad to get away from home. It is so stressful. Now I get to relax."

"Yeah, I bet. Ooo guess what." asked Jessica.

"What?" asked Emma with a gleam in her eyes.

"There is a new boy, here... and he is your age. I think. How old are you again?"

"Almost fifteen."

"I think he is fifteen. Should I introduce him to you?"

"Sure why not."

"TYSON!!! DO WANNA MEET MY COUSIN?" yelled Jessica from her swing.

"TYSON!!!!" she belted. 


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