Meeting Him

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No one came Jessica grumbled, she hopped off the swing and ran to the back of a garage. Tapped on the window of garage and made hand motions to the people inside. Then she ran back to the swings and hopped on the swing. She looked at Emma; "Now we wait." she grinned evilly.

Emma grinned evilly back and then they both started laughing evilly as their evil grins. Jessica strained her neck to look into the backyard, which the garage was in. A few teenage boys came out into the backyard wearing boxing gloves and looked a bit sweaty. Jessica jumped off her swing and motioned to Emma to jump off. Emma winced as she hit the rocks. Emma followed Jessica to the backyard, where the boys were. They stood at the chain-linked fence, that was the barrier between the boys and them.

"Tyson, come here!" Jessica requested.

Tyson trotted over to the fence gate and opened it. His hair was a bit plastered to his face, but still hidden by his snap-back hat. He had red and black boxing gloves on his hands. Jessica introduced us; "Tyson this is my cousin Emma. Emma this is Tyson."

Tyson nodded; "Nice to meet you."

"The same." Emma added.

"Guys, shake hands." Jessica wildly motioned.

Tyson took off one of his boxing gloves and tucked it under his arm. Emma out stretched her hand and they shook. Emma could feel the sweatiness of his palm. Emma smiled uncomfortably at Tyson. He looked a bit uncomfortable as well. Emma discretely wiped her hand on her shorts and curtly smiled. Tyson put his boxing glove back on, to try to hide his awkwardness. One of the other boys yelled at Tyson; "Hey! Come on!"

Tyson curtly nodded to Jessica and Emma, then walked to where the other boys were. Jessica and Emma walked over to the park, and sat on the equipment, watching the boys. The cousins started laughing as they watched the boys start swinging at each other. "They are doing a mix of boxing and wrestling. Boxstling." 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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