chapter one

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The beat of the music shook the club, strobe lights flashing, illuminating the glistening expressions of pure elation from the dancers. Go-go dancers livened the crowed on either side of the DJ's table. Waiters walked around with drinks and bartenders flamboyantly flipped bottles in the air as if it was nothing. That was one thing I loved about clubs, no one cared who you were or where you came from. Everyone was just there to have a good time, to escape reality and enjoy an alternate, majestic world for just one night.

Well, at least, that's what I think it's like.

Most of the time I spend in clubs is in the VIP section getting bottle service and socializing strategically. You can't talk to someone who is below you and every relationship you establish at the clubs is to help you climb the social ladder.

Even social groups had a hierarchal structure. Take mine for example; four girls from well-off families with boyfriends and girlfriends from even more well-off families. Everything in my world was about climbing the social ladder until you were at the very top. There was Dominika Koslov, originally from Moscow, Russia and her father owned one of the most well-known vodka companies in the world. Now that might seem a little bit stereotypical of a Russian, but if you ever even mentioned it to her face there was a chance you wouldn't live through the night - it's rumoured that her family has connections with some of the most powerful families in the world. She was as beautiful as any Russian model, tall and lean with porcelain skin, piercing green eyes and naturally platinum blonde, flowing hair. She could probably get any guy she wanted to, except her heart appeared to be set on her high-school sweetheart, William Choi. He was a Korean-Canadian who had the face of everyone's favourite K-drama actor and was known for his kickboxing career. When we had been in high school he was one of the top kick boxers in the country and was still a force to be reckoned with in the sport.

The next in my group was Calista Paige, the most Canadian person you'll probably ever meet: chestnut hair and deep brown eyes, with freckles and a bone structure that had landed her a contract with one of the top modelling agencies in North America at just ten years old. She had established a name for herself and had walked for designers like Gucci and Versace and had even collaborated with Dior to releaser her own perfume that had sold out in five seconds. Her family was pretty well-known as well in the corporate industry as they owned several million-dollar companies internationally. Cal's girlfriend was Mona Rafferty, a relatively quiet girl with curly black hair and emerald green eyes. Although, it wasn't good to underestimate her as most people often did, her family was involved with the Irish mafia and she was rumoured to be excellent with any type of weapon. Not to mention, she had a Guinness World Record for a bullseye from the farthest distance in an archery competition.

The last in our group was Ariana Giordano, with dark brown hair, grey eyes and olive skin she was by far the most beautiful of all of us. Her family owned a massively famous motor company that specialized in anything from the fastest sports cars to the heaviest armed tanks. She was also pretty well known for her skills behind the wheel as well. She was well on track to be a professional race-car driver and her collection of cars were her most prized possessions. Her boyfriend was also Italian, Cornelio de Santis, he was the son of Ariana's father's right-hand man and appeared to be following in his father's footsteps in terms of the family business. He had been Ariana's boyfriend for about a year now and they had gotten together last year at the Grand Prix in Montreal, Canada when they celebrated Lio's big win in the race.

I regarded all of my friends one last time, Nika and Will taking shots with Cal and Mona while Ari and Lio were having a very intense discussion in the far corner - most likely about who got to drive the new Tesla home. I turned once again to face the balcony and regard the euphoria of the people dancing below me. I fidgeted with the velvet dress I wore. It was a deep red and was skin-tight, I had paired it with my favourite pair of black, Valentino Rockstud Pumps that had seemed like a good idea four hours ago, but currently were nothing short of an annoyance.

"Emmanuelle Tomomi," someone came up behind me, "You look fabulous tonight, might I say."

I turned around with a massive grin on my face and embraced one of my favourite cousins, "Salut  Yannic."

He turned to look at me with the same wintry blue eyes that I and almost every other member of our family possessed. I ruffled his brown curls and leaned in to kiss him on both cheeks, "You're too young to be in this club Yan."

He immediately pouted, giving way his age of fifteen, "You don't always have to be my mom Em. I have one at home." He suddenly switched into his usual brilliant smile, "Plus I'm your favourite cousin and I just got off a plane from Paris and came right away to see you."

I laughed at him and shoved him away so that he could go greet the others. Looking back to the crowd below me, fully intending on getting lost in my thoughts, I saw someone in all black dash across the floor. He appeared to be in a rush, pushing through intoxicated club goers who were too drunk to notice that the man had a massive gun strapped to his back. A cold sweat suddenly covered my body as I opened my mouth to let out an ear-piercing shriek.

But before I could, the sound of gunshots erupted in the air and suddenly we were amidst a room of absolute chaos. People running left and right, the DJ had abandoned his station and yet music still played like some sort of ironic background music. The world moved in slow motion and it was sickening to witness an absolute parallel to the elated image I had gazed longingly at before. I was prevented from seeing any more as I was tackled to the ground by my bodyguard, Ichiro. All I could see was the expanse of his chest and all I could hear were screams and gunshots. I tucked my head under his chin as I prayed for my friends' and Yan's safety.

Unfortunately, this type of thing occurs more often than you'd like it to when you live my life.


let's see how far this goes ;)

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see ya homies


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