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The next morning when Sophie woke up, she lay under her covers and stretched luxuriously

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The next morning when Sophie woke up, she lay under her covers and stretched luxuriously. Everything seemed brighter and more hopeful now that Fitz knew she liked him... and he liked her back! It felt so good not to be holding in her secret anymore.

Smiling, she stood up, stretched, and walked over to her closet. She dressed, and then padded downstairs for breakfast.

Sadly, Fitz wasn't there yet. Sophie looked down at her bowl of teal glop, reminded of Fitz's sparkling eyes...

Bam! Crash! Thump! Keefe clattered down the stairs. He plopped into the seat nearest to Sophie, and started wolfing down his food.

"Um... hi, Keefe," Sophie said. "How are you doing?"

Keefe looked up, cheeks stuffed with food. "Wll, ah hv sim eeds daw," He said. Sophie sighed.

"Keefe, swallow. I can't understand a word you're saying." He swallowed exaggeratedly.

"Well, I have some ideas down.. Actually, a lot of ideas."

"Written down?" Sophie asked. "If I search your memories, I could project them into my memory log. You might notice some little details that you missed."

Keefe looked nervous. "Well, okay. Let's just go up to my room."

They ascended the stairs, Keefe seemed agitated, which was making Sophie nervous. Keefe opened the door of a room on the left, and he let out a gasp of shock. Sophie gave a little squeak, and pushed around him to see what he was looking at. She was expecting blood, or vandalism. Instead, she found a perfectly ordinary room, if it was a bit messy. She glanced over at Keefe, who was staring at all of the nothing like he had seen.. well, something.

"Sophie!" he spluttered, "I think that we've been robbed! Had had paper- all over the walls- here-and here-" Then horrified realization dawned on both of them. Why would someone take Keefe's scribbles, unless they were looking for weird information about them? And the only elves Sophie could think of who would want that kind of information were... the Neverseen. Sophie dashed towards her room. She could only think what priceless information the Neverseen could find in there! Flinging open the door, Sophie screamed in terror. Pillows had been torn, drawers pulled out, and crystal broken. And whoever had done it was currently escaping out the window! Sophie's scream had drawn the thief's attention. He turned towards the sound of her voice, revealing both the white eye armband that identified him as one of the Neverseen, and his face.. He was the Pisonipath that she, Biana, and Calla had faced down at Brackendale!

Before Sophie could do anything, he flung his arm towards the doorway, blocking the entrance with sizzling white energy and destroying any hope that Sophie had of escape.

Sophie let all of her hatred of her attacker grow into a humming mass in her mind, and she shoved it towards him with all of the force she could muster. As her black hate swarmed towards him, the man screamed, convulsing on the floor. With him momentarily disabled, Sophie rushed towards the doorway. In her joy that the forcefield had dissipated, she didn't notice her attacker stand up shakily behind her. She leapt towards the exit- when in midair she found it blocked with the white-hot energy again. There was nothing she could do. Smashing into the deadly barrier, her world became pain. Slicing, burning pain. Sophie screamed, thrashing, and her movement moved her away from the field. She lay there, shaking on the ground as she glorified in the relief.

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