Chapter Thirteen

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Nicki POV

Meek went to work today and I had to go to check on my store but I can't cause of Imani she likes touching things and I'm afraid that she might touch or even eat some of the chemicals we use. So I decided to spend time with my daughter. It was 8:38 am and she was still sleeping so I decided to wake her up cause I was bored

"Imani wake up baby" I said shaking her she whined and started crying

"What's wrong baby?" She cried even harder and laid her head in the crook of my neck. I checked her temperature and it was fine. I bathed her and she was still crying but just a little bit I put her in her pink onesies and put her on my hip I went downstairs and made her porridge I went back upstairs and sat her on the bed and started feeding her she spit out the porridge and starts crying again

"Imani what's wrong?" I opened her mouth and there was a little teeth growing

"Oh my pooh is teething" she laid her head on my chest I turned on the TV and we watched Power Puff girls it's her favourite show so I thought it would make her feel better

She just sat there in silence not moving or anything she fell asleep in my arms and I put her on my bed and put pillows around her. I went downstairs and decided to clean the house I washed all the pots and cleaned the kitchen and the living room

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