Chapter 8

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   I got up as usual and went downstairs to find everyone gone. "Hello?" I my voice echoed back I took a deep breath and looked at the time the clock said 8:00 "everyone should be awake" I said than knocked on the door of D's lab I pushed it open there was no one I walked to the others rooms "M,R,D,L and Master Splinter gone" I started to shake "no no more being scared" I stopped and went into the dojo it was dark "you guys in here?" I called out someone's hand went over my mouth I tried to fight it but I passed out but before I did a voice whispered in my ear "you'll find them soon don't worry" it was female "Karai" I said than laughter evil laughter and it went black. I woke up chained inside a metal container "Daddy! help me" I screamed I was shaking again and I stopped "its okay" I told myself I started to bang myself around trying to get out but nothing could break it I heard a voice "well well look at Miss pathetic" said Karai "shut it" I growled she slapped me "you best be respectful because father will get angry and you won't like it when he's angry" she whispered in my ear I head butted her she pulled a sword to my throat "be quiet and wait" she moved the sword away and left I looked up the stars were out shining "my T-phone if only..." I moved about trying to grab it and I did I dialed R's number he picked up "Mack thank God where are you?" he said "foot clan got to the lair and Karai's got me prisoner" he sighed of relief "okay just-" Karai came back and grabbed it sliced it in half "thought you could get away huh?" she snorted as if disgusted than started beating on me she even stabbed me with a knife "using weapons Karai? your too scared of using your own hands." I stood up each time she knocked me down than he came..."Karai enough!" he barked she stopped immediately "you good for nothing Vermin!" than he started to beat on me slashing his claws once in a while I stood up all covered in my blood  "I'm not vermin I'm a turtle there's a difference" I laughed loud than my whole family came in R saw me standing up laughing at them April attacked Karai than my fathers got the shredder Master Splinter got me out of the chains I pulled out my sais and stabbed the shredder in the back he screamed in pain than fell to the ground Karai came after me I just held out my sai she ran into trying to stop running "no! Karai" L pushed me out of the way she laid there dead like her father L attacked me "you little brat I loved her!" he screamed the others pulled him off of me "Leo chill!" said M but he kept calling me hateful words "get out of my life you little #@$%!" he stopped realizing what he just said I ran out of the building letting everything get away from me the blood wash off in the rain from blood I ran pass rooftops clear into the sewers I found the lair entrance but I passed it I found a little hole in the wall I found it when I was little the hole big enough for me to fit through but small enough to not get noticed by grown ups I crawled in just in time to hear voices behind "granddaughter?" I heard Sensei "little ninja!" said M and D "squirt its Daddy!" said R I heard a last voice that sounded like someone who had been crying "sweetshell!" said L than April and Casey "Mack!" I sat there they passed by my hole in the wall as I held my breath they went away slowly fading away with each step that moment I cried letting the tears flow I grabbed a blanket and pillow that I had stored there and fell asleep I heard a voice "wake up please?" it was R I opened my eyes the my blue color of my eyes popping out from the red "how did you?" he held me close "look up" I saw a man hole open with familiar red carpet on it "I had discovered this hole when I was your age I had my bed over it so I could go here when I needed it and nobody knew about it" I held him "did L really mean those words?" he shook his head no "we should get you back you've been missing for 30 minutes almost" he picked me up "you can come here when you need too okay?" he looked for an answer but I was asleep and went back to the lair "Raph did you?" said L he ran toward the small bundle in his arms he reached for me "I don't think so fearless she's so #%$$3& at you" he crawled into the hammock in my bedroom with me and fell asleep softly singing to me and all that was heard in that bedroom was creak creak creak.

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