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you are at your favourite cafe, sitting and typing up something for work when one of the waitresses stops by your table and hands you a drink

the only reason why i'm even outside is that i'm currently using their free wifi. my router company is currently having a panic attack or something, and there won't be any internet for at least two more days. that cannot stop me from doing poorly at work.

my roommate said i should just tell my boss that my internet was down and that i didn't need to rush and finish this paper. on the other hand, i cannot bring myself to lie to steven's face. steven is the ceo of the company i'm currently working at and let me just say he isn't the most understanding man in the world.

so get this, as i'm furiously typing, a woman i identified as a waitress stops by beside me and puts down a drink. a coffee to be exact.

"uh, i didn't order this... you must have the wrong-"

"no, no. the man at table seven ordered this for you," she said as she pointed to table seven.

sitting at the table is a man with a chiseled face smirking at me, his eyes bearing into mine.

i revert my eyes back to the waitress, "oh, thank you."

"of course." she smiled and left.

my eyes naturally dart back to the man who is still staring at me. he then suddenly winks. a wink! oh dear, what is he doing? a rush of emotion suddenly bursts from my heart, leaving a probably obvious blush on my face.

i cheekily smile and hurry back to finishing my paper.


upon finishing my paper, i sip the last of the coffee and scan for table seven. the man is still there, drinking his own drink while scrolling through his phone. i decide to pack up and walk over to him. i should thank him personally after all.

as i approach his table, his eyes shift up to mine.

"to who do i owe the pleasure to?" i ask.

he smiles and nods to the seat in front of him. "bill. care to sit and have a chat?"

i instantly melt to his smile. gah! what am i doing? i just met him, for god's sake. but he is incredibly handsome.

i decide to join him. "hey, um, bill. thanks... by the way."


"the drink,"

"oh, that? that wasn't anything." he shrugs and sinks into his seat. his hair flops with him, such a nice shade of brown.

i blush. "you didn't have to, i mean, buying a drink for a total stranger and all."

"what's your name?"


"there we go, you know my name, i know yours. not strangers anymore, are we?" his hand then brushes mine and retracts it back into his pockets. "besides, looked like you needed it anyway."

i chuckle. "you're cute." maybe i should shoot some words to him in exchange.

"thanks. so are you." he says, casually, tilting his head a little.

cute? me? he's a charmer for sure. somehow those four words found its way to my heart. but my inner voice reminds me that i still have to return home to a starving roommate. i pout.

"listen, i have to go."

"oh," bill pauses. his excitement drains from his eyes. "was it something i said."

"no!" i shout, a little too loud. "sorry, um-"

he suddenly chuckles. "it's okay. you shouldn't be nervous, you know, in front of me."

instantly i gush out on the inside and my hands start to sweat. i lean closer to the table and cross my arms around the table. somehow, some way, i feel sort of brave. maybe it's the added caffeine. "you have that sort of effect on me."

bill crosses his arms on the table to, leaning forward just inches in front of my face. he's obviously tall and lanky, but just as hot. "good. will you let me try something?"


bill presses his lips to mine. the sudden touch sent electricity all throughout my body.

what is happening! i'm... kissing him?! or... he's kissing me?!

despite all my fears rising to the surface, our lips mold against each others'. a split second later it ends and i already miss the spark.

i shoot back into my chair, my mouth parted but still smiling. bill then opens his eyes and licks his lips, seductively. he's so handsome, and i have an inner urge to want him as a boyfriend.

i should say something, but i don't know what to say. my caffeine braveness has ended and i have no idea what to do.

alright. instead of making things more awkward, i should leave ASAP. i get up and push in my chair. "i'll hold onto the kiss. we'll meet again in the future?"

bill sinks back into his seat, and smiles softly. "okay, until then, (y/n)."

ah! the way he says my name, it rolls off his tongue perfectly.

wanting to make a last impression for this mini date - is it even a date? - i bring my hand up and gently palm the side of his face. bill nuzzles into my hand as i start caressing him. i can get use to this feeling for sure.

then my legs forcefully led me out the door. without stopping, i found myself hurrying back to my apartment. gah! maybe i should have asked more about him.

i continue to walk until i come across a garbage bin. oh wait! did i even throw out my trash? i stopped to open my bag and dig in to find my old donut wrapper and the cup of coffee.

hm? there's a sequence of numbers on the side... a phone number; how did i miss this?

555-9269 x

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