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It's been a year, and yet Rogue finds himself back here in the very office where he collected the papers for him.

Speaking of him was kind of a taboo in the guild.

The doctor hasn't changed one bit. He was still old and frail and wise. Rogue is relieved.

"I suppose... you're wondering why I've called you here. First, I..." the doctor takes a sharp breath.

Rogue nods carefully, his eyes going into focus.

The doctor continues, "Mr. Eucliffe's was a rare case of Hanahaki that wasn't quite like the others. It started, when he was very very young.

"Of course, those feelings accumulated all the years he and his friend were together, but he never quite got the chance to show it. Thus, at the age of twenty, he burst."

Rogue felt tears spring up to his eyes.

"We never knew who Sting was in love with?"

The doctor looks at him.

"Sting Eucliffe was in love with Rogue Cheney, and has had Hanahaki since the age of thirteen."

Rogue finds himself in the guild. Yukino is there, and so is Minerva. They smile at him and go home.

He finds himself staring at a portrait of the best guildmaster Sabertooth has ever had.

He smiles.

Sting was in love with me.

And then the smile breaks away into bitter laughter, and his knees drop to the floor in despair, because he knew,

Even if Sting had told me, I could never, ever find the courage to love him back.

And his thoughts almost seem to echo and resonate against the empty guild hall, as the loudest thought of all blooms in his chest like flowers.

Sting died because of me.

AS PETALS BURST FORTH. ❀ stingueWhere stories live. Discover now