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I got back to my hotel room just in time,I placed all my things on the counter and took a shower then got changed into a black dress with a pair of black heels,before picking up my phone and asking Ryan and jack to come out with me,which they gladly accepted. We where all out within 30 mins,and the drinking started.we all took turns buying rounds,but it was mainly jack an Ryan buying the drinks because they where already slurring their words and stumbling about by 11pm .... I decided to stop drinking around 10:30 which would give me abouy time to sober up before I went ggo me.Ryan and jack stayed with me for a while wore going of as dancing with girls who where equally as drunk as them... It was funny watching them trying to dance when both of them where stumbling around like children learning to walk.... Around 12:45 I decided to put the boys in a taxi back to their hotel before they could get into a worse state than they already where. I just walked to my hotel which wasn't that far away,I got tiny room and began rummaging through my bag for my key card... I couldn't find it .... I kept looking before remembering that I left it on the counter when I came back earlier. I banged on the door in some hope daisy would hear me since she was playing music so loud I couldn't even hear my own thoughts.... She didn't answer ... I banged on the door again ... Yet again no answer.i groaned banging my had onthe door... Who could I call at 1 am that I could share a room with ?. Shannon?!!! ... No not him, not after earlier .... Ryan an jack would be too drunk to realise I was calling them .... So I called Jared who switched his phone off ... Then I tried tomo .... Who didn't answer ... So I tried again .... No answer. I pressed call on Shannon's number hoping he wouldn't pick up.

Dont pick up,don't pick up' I whispered under my breath,but he did. "Hey ..." He answered 'what's up'. I inhaled deeply 'um I was wondering if I could maybe share your hotel room tonight ... I've left my key card in my room and daisy has the music louder than most nightclubs so she can't hear me ... So I've called her and she's not answering' I asked sounding slightly embarrassed. 'Yeah sure,I'm in...' He began telling me his hotel name and number so I found a pen in my clutch and began writing it on my palm... Of course I have a pen in my bag but not my bloody key card.

I got to Shannon's room and knocked lightly on the door .... He opened the door catching me by surprise only wearing a towel .... His body still covered in water making every inch of his body become more defined... Fuck...not again. 'Come in' he gestured,I walked around looking at the room 'is it ok if I sleep on the sofa' I asked placing my bag down on one of the dressing tables ...'no,you should take the bed' he insisted.I smiled also taking off my jacket leaving me feeling a little exposed my entire mid section now showing 'no it's fine ... It's your room,you take the bed'.
'Why don't we both share the bed' he smirked ... I smiled admiring his effort 'since I have no other clothes to sleep in and that means sleeping in my underwear ... That would be a no... Nice try though'. 'Cant blame a guy for trying .... Take a shower if you want' he smiled. I took myself in the shower turning on the water waiting for it to get warm. I unhooked my bralet and threw it across the room where I knew Shannon could see since the door wasn't fully closed. If this was how he was gonna play it ... 2 can play at that game.

Then my leather pants soon joined them along with my underwear. I jumped into the shower allowing the hot water to run over me,feeling my hands roaming over my body with the soap imagining them to be Shannon's .... Crap ... I can't do this any longer,if were gonna do this ... I'm going to be in control... Not him. I ran my hand down to my stomach and to my entrance where I felt how wet I was already then began teasing my entrance with my fingers before slipping one finger into myself .... 'Fuck' I whispered placing another finger inside feeling myself get louder and louder with every thrust. My fingers ran over my clit .... Rubbing it lightly before becoming a belonging a bit more rough with every touch ... By this point I'm sure Shannon could hear me.

Shannon's pov:
I sat on the sofa reading my messages when I heard Sarah moaning in the bathroom.... The sound of her moaning turned me on .... I placed my phone down noticing she got louder.... I walked over till I was outside the door of the bathroom and pushed it open a little walking through the thick layer of steam.

Lilith's pov:
I noticed the door open a little and a slight outline of his body walk through the steam.I pretended not to notice and felt him climb in behind me .... I felt my whole body heat up at the touch of his hands on my hips,gripping them tightly and spinning me around to face him,with my hands pinned above my head,his eyes staring deeply into mine piercing through every defence I had... We stood like that for what seemed minutes before his lips crashed down onto mine both of us fighting for dominance,Shannon having the upper hand since my hands where pinned above me. He pulled apart and placed his lips next to her ear breathing lightly on her neck making her squirm a little. "I wanna hear you say you want this" he whispered,she could practically hear the smirk on his lips. She was determined not to let him take control of her .... If this is how it was going to be,she would be the one in control. She just laughed instantly feeling his grip loosen moving her arms from his grip and turning the shower off,"I give into no one.... They give into me"

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