Say Goodbye To Your Life

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Savi sat on her bed and typed on her laptop. It was dark in her room, only the dim light of her lamp lightened the room. She stared at her laptop screen and again started typing away. Unexpectedly, her laptop had shut off completely.

“What the hell?” She hit the power button multiple times but still nothing worked. “Stupid storm.” She pouted. Savi quickly rose from her chair, suddenly noticing that the light cut off too. She tiptoed slowly to her bedroom door, afraid that some monster would kill her in the dark. Even though Savi attempted not too make any noise, the creaking of her bedroom door echoed down the hallway.

She tiptoed through the hallway and searched in the dark rooms for a flashlight. “Mom! Dad!” She shouted. Nobody replied. She slowly walked into her parents’ room. Savi crept next to her parents’ bed and raided their side drawer, looking for a flashlight. When she stepped away from the drawer, a warm liquid substance reached her feet.

Savi’s hands started to shake violently but she still managed to somehow turn on the small flashlight. Savi looked down slowly and realized… She was standing in a puddle of blood. Savi screamed bloody murder and dropped her flashlight with the light shining under the bed.

As her legs shook, she slowly bent down and picked up the flashlight. She noticed that the trail of blood was streaming out from under the bed. With her heartbeat pounding like a bass drum, she flashed the flashlight under the bed.

Savi screamed and its piercing sound echoed through the entire house. Underneath the bed were the dead decapitated corpse of her mother and father. She covered her mouth to keep from puking and stood up as fast as she could, trembling like a Boston Terrier in a blizzard.

She frantically pulled out her cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. Her phone stayed silent. Savi had no service. She ran downstairs and went into her dining room. She was going to hide in the dumbwaiter, but then she saw a petrifying sight.

There on her dining room table were the heads of her parents, on plates as if they were the main course for a big dinner. “No…No!” Savi sobbed, staring into the cold frightened eyes of her dead parents. The organs of her parents were strewn across the table in a sort of bloody, gory spaghetti. It made Savi’s insides curdle in disgust.

Savi covered her mouth trying not to scream or vomit. “M-Mom… D-Dad...” She whimpered. ‘Who in the hell did this and why would anyone do such a thing.’ She thought to herself as tears fell from her eyes. Savi fell to her knees and cried harder.

“You really must have loved your parents, didn’t you little girl?” a wicked voice snickered. Savi shook vigorously as the voice spoke. She looked up slowly, only to see a boy sitting at the table. He had a fork and a knife in his hand, as if he was about to eat the insides of her mom and dad. He looked as if he was about 17, one year older than Savi.

“W-Why did you do this t-to them?” Savi quietly sobbed. “You will be joining them soon.” He smirked. He stood up and stepped closer to Savi. Savi tried to get up, but it was useless. She was sewn to the floor. “P-Please… Don’t hurt me.” She cried. He slowly felt her hair and examined her shape.

 “What meal should I make out of you?” He laughed evily. Savi quickly snapped up at the question. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did he really want to turn her into a meal? “Are you being serious?” She snapped angrily. He pulled her hair and slammed her head against the wall. “Do not snap at me like a child.” He yelled. “I am being dead serious. Your relatives are my spaghetti. Would you like to be my Ravioli Or my Lasagna?” He pulled a chair under him and sat down facing her.

“I-I won’t be your food.” Savi slowly glanced up at him. With all his force he pulled his hand back and slapped it against her cheek. “Do not resist. Now choose, would you like to be my Ravioli or my Lasagna?” He slowly leaned back and picked up a knife off of the table. A few moments passed and it remained silent. “I’m guessing you want me to choose?” He raised his eyebrows.

Savi was too scared to even speak. There were so many thoughts in her head. She feared him; she feared that she would end up like her parents. The boy stood up and caressed Savi’s cheek slowly. He held the knife up to her neck. Savi looked into his eyes. “Please…. Don’t kill me…. I did nothing wrong.” She begged.

He brought the knife closer to her neck. Out of instinct, Savi grabbed his arm and thrashed the knife into his leg. She got up and ran as fast as she can. She twisted the door knob and opened the door, throwing herself out of her house. She ran as far as she could away from the house. Never did she turn around once.

Savi ran to her friend Lizzy’s house, the run was far but she wouldn’t stop for anything. She ran up the porch and started to breath heavily. She pounded on the door as hard as she could. “Lizzy! Lizzy! Lizzy open up!” She shouted. The door opened slowly, but Savi was not greeted by her friend Lizzy, she was greeted by the boy once again. “Say goodbye to your life.” The boy whispered. Savi turned around and tried to run, but before she could, a large butcher knife was slung at her and pierced through her spine. Blood gushed out of Savi’s back as she hit the ground. Her life flashed before her eyes as she reached her death. This was the end of her.

The boy hid Savi’s body in the dumbwaiter at her house. He was aiming for the butcher knife to strike her head off, but missed miserably. He thought that since there was a wound in the wrong place his “meal” couldn’t be made.

Days later Savi’s body, along with her parent’s bodies, was found inside of the dumbwaiter by the police. The police had no trace to the boy who murdered them, or to why he did it. All they knew was that there was a psychopath out there killing innocent lives. What were his real intentions though?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2012 ⏰

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