Chapter 1 .

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July 4, 1992 at 3:23 am

A baby girl was born. She came into this world not knowing she was in a loving but already broken family. She sees her mother for the first time. She couldn’t believe the most beautiful woman in the world gave birth to her. At the moment she vowed that she would do whatever to keep that smile she saw on her mother face to stay there. Not knowing that her vow was going to be broken in just a few short weeks.  Her father was a young man He was a navy man. He has a strong will power and determination but when it came to his duty as a. Man  at a young age and being away from all he knows in a another state and town. He made the hardest decision to leave both his duty as a father and a woman who loved him with a her heart and left them only two weeks prior to a wedding that would unite this small family . That was first time the young child saw her mother break. That was the first time she realized her vow was broken . 

Three years in denial

In three years the child has gown knowing that her vow was broken as broken as her mother was. She knew her mother would put a brave face in front of child but the smile she would but on would never reach her eyes. She knew her mother has become somewhat ill. She saw her mother become a shell of hat she once was. The child tried every and anything she could to make her mother happy again, Not knowing that her mother had a secret of her own that god was sending down from heaven.

 October 13, 1995

The once teen age mother is now an adult and on her way to give birth to her second child. Which she found out she was pregnant only four months before. The once young mother now worries on her unborn child health due to her habits she developed while she was in denial of her pain of the man that once left her. O the mother’s dismay the child came out with a bill health.  She even came with a attitude toward he doctors. Which made the mother happy knowing that he child was alright The older sister now award that she has become an older sister was in her happy Place pre-school. She loved learning new things. She loved people around people and she was open to the world around her but also sheltered which the child likes as well. She was in a her sleep like state when she was awake by her family member which was her grandmother and aunt. They said they had a surprise for her. The child emotions were mixed with joy. Fear of what if she doesn’t like the surprise, and wonder if the surprise has something to do with her mother who wasn’t present at the time of the drive. She attentive to how far they are driving to the surprise.  The child is full of curiosity when they came to a building that the child has been to multiple times for shots and checkup due to her asthma and skin problem. The child was now alert are they tricking her. They head into the hospital which the child becomes tense until they reach a room in which she hears her mother talking in a cooing voice. Which she came a custom to when she was a baby. The once tense child becomes relaxed but full of wonder of her mother’s actions.

She looked at her aunt and grandmother for guidance. Her grandmother pushed her toward her mother. “This is your sister little one “ her grandmother said .

The moment she saw  the bundle in her mother’s arms she made another vow to be the best sister she can be . The vow she made about her mother three years go already broke so she made sure this vow will stay . She already knew this baby was coming into a broken but loving family.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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