Meeting Ian

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I wake up with a loud annoying beeping from my alarm, I would press snooze again but I've already pressed it 10 times, I look at the time, It's 1 pm.


I tell myself while grabbing whatever clothes is on the floor and I don't even care about showering. I run to my car and start changing into my waitress outfit while driving at the same time, and I met strangely weird eye contact with a old lady giving me the stank eye, I ignored it and kept changing.
I arrived at the diner and rushed in, I ran to my boss apologizing over and over again, he said with a angry look in his face,

"y/n, if you are late one more time I will have to fire you."

Those words hit me like a soccer ball to the face, loosing my job is the worst thing that could ever happen to me, I'm already struggling with paying my rent and I only get payed 7 dollars an hour.
~9 Hours Later~
I was exhausted I couldn't wait till I got home, I walked over to the open/close sign and was about to flip it to 'CLOSED' when a man burst through the door.
He was 6'0  feet tall and kinda skinny with glasses that kept slipping down which he pushed them back up gently with his index finger each time, he wore a shirt that was soaked because it was pouring outside and some yoga pants.
I told him,

" sorry sir, we're gonna be closing soon."

He looks at me, he has grayish green eyes. He says,

" I didn't come to eat."

I looked at him really confused I ask him,

" Than why did you come inside?"

He pushed his glasses up and said,

" well, I've seen you around a couple times and I just... you know.....wanted to get to know you.."

he looks down shyly and pushes his glasses up again. I grab some water, put it down in front of him and said,

" aren't you gonna sit down?"

He walks over to the stool while dripping water everywhere that I had to clean up.

"So I haven't seen you around, what's your name?"

I ask, he takes a sip of his water and says,

" I'm Ian."

He looks at his water while shivering from being soaking wet and cold. He looks up at me and asks,

" what's your name?"

I meet eye contact with him but before answering I  start to admire how cute he is from his eyes to his droopy wet hair, i snap out of it and answer his question,

" I'm y/n."

Ian smiles and says,

" wow that's a beautiful name."

I  start blushing so I use my hair to cover it. He looks at the clock on the wall and says,

" i should start heading home I'm exhausted."

" Me too."

I say also looking at the time, he gets off the stool and starts walking his way to the door but before he left i say,

"Hold on."

He looked confused but waited anyway, I ran to my bag and grabbed a towel and gave it to him, he smiled and said,

" Thanks."

While getting red, before he was almost on his way out the door I ask him,

" hey, uh... do you need a ride because I don't mind giving you one."

He smiles and nods his head, I grabbed my bag and went inside my car, Ian hopped in. He gave me his address and I just start following wherever my gps goes. While driving I feel like someone's looking at me, i look at Ian and see that he's staring at me, after seeing that i noticed he immediately got red and said, " sorry you're just so pretty." I start blushing and get my eyes back on the road, it got quiet and all i could hear we're the windshield wipers sliding against the wet window. I drove in front of his house, he gets out and right after he closes the door he waves at me, i wave back, i start driving to my apartment, i open the door and right after closing it, i hopped in the shower, after showering i put on some yoga pants and a big red hoodie that's says 'Fuck Society' i hop into bed and fell asleep really quickly because of how calming the rainy hitting my window was.

Well that was my first chapter, I hope you enjoyed, and yes I know there's gonna be people out there like iT sAyS x rEaDeR wHeReS tHe sMuT it's supposed to be romantic but also a little smutty so just wait okay lol

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