ChApter Eleven

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A year flys by and I'm still staying with Cash and still missing Treacherous though.
I never told him about the money I kept hid in Treacherous things because I wanted to save that for the day he put me out or if we fell off. I even got close to his cousin who always seemed to be around when I wasn't there but I finally ran into her when I came home early from walking around the park doing nothing but being sad and lonely.

"Hi." I say when I first see her.. She looks me up and down at first but then smiles.

"Hi, I didn't know Cashon had people staying with him."

"My boyfriend is missing so Cash let me crash here for awhile. Nothing to you."

She shruggs.

"I actually don't trust this shady nigga but I promised his mom I would keep an eye on him."

I look at her confused and then Cash walks in the hallway.

"I see you've met my annoying cousin."

"Annoying my ass. Nigga think because he came up he to good for his peoples now."

Cash looks at me slowly and I wonder how he came up when Treacherous disappears and I not know about it..

"Yogi please leave if your going to be starting shit."

Cash walks away leaving Yogi laughing her ass off..

She sits on the couch and turns to me.

"Please tell me your not fucking with this lame ass nigga."

I frown and wonder why the fuck she bashing her own family for..

She smiles nd speaks.

"I know your wondering why I'm talking about him and to him like that. But that nigga a snake and also he set up his own cousin who is my cousin also but anyways set him up and stole his money, now I'm the only one he'll allow to see him because one I keep it 100 and two I'm a shit talking person just like his ugly ass."

Cash happens to walk back in the room with two soda cans and hands us one each.

We both say thank you and then I watch Yogi and Cash argue and almost laugh when she makes fun of him for pissing the bed when he was little.

"We hated playing in his room has the room smelling like nasty fish or something."

Cash shakes his head and looks at me.

"Dont listen to her at all."

Meanwhile while everyone is having a good time......

Treacherous wakes up when he hears the door open and Berry walks in smiling.

"Hey big boy. You still look good dirty and all."

Treacherous scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"You disturb my sleep just to try and woe me?"

Berry pulls up a chair and sits down but not close to where Treacherous can reach her.

"Look I'm just saying why you like Charter so much?"

Treacherous looks at Berry like she lost her mind.

"Look you can ask away anything you want but I'm not answering shit. I've been locked for up for a while year now and the longer I'm in here the longer you and whoever else was involved is going to suffer."

Berry stands up and then walks toward the door.

"Um Cash is going to kill you so you'll never lay a hand on my pretty red hair."

She laughes and walks out the room but Treacherous saw the lock of fear when she turned to lock the door back.

He knew it was a matter of time before someone fucked up and he was going to be free.. He adjusted the chain so it didn't mess with his leg to much and then proceeded to do the pushups he did daily getting ready for the right moment..............

I dial Mama B house phone again as I stand outside banging on the door wondering why her not Treachery weren't coming to the door when a man in a nearly clean business suit opens the door.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, is Mama B here?"

He looks at me with great sadness.

"You must not heard what happened then."

I look confused and wonder what the he'll is going on.

"Well Breatrice and Treachery were found murdered so I'm trying to sell this house so it won't be just sitting here rotting."

We chat for a while and I walk back to my car and cry..

First Treacherous and now his family.

I came to visit finally after disappearing and mourning and now they are dead.

I drive back to Cash place slow as hell thinking of all the shit that has happened to me lately and then I get in my covers when I finally come home..

I dose off and hear knocks at my door.


Cash walks in and sits on my bed.

"What's wrong?"

I decide not to tell Cash because I didn't want to burden him with anything else.

"Nothing I'm just tired."

He lays on the bed next to me and smiles.

"I can tell something is on your mind so when your ready we can talk."

"Thank you for being there for me Cash."

He looks at me and I look at him and something comes over us and Cash kisses me and at first I push him back but then emotions flood me and we kiss again and somehow our clothes end up on the floor..............................................

Treacherous stares out the window slowly training his body for the great co.eback he was going to make because he knew he was going to pay Greg and Berry and last but not least Cash for ruining everything.

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