Is He Okay?

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Paige and I drove back home in sadness. I was crying the whole whole home. Once we pulled up in the parking lot, I didn't want to get out of the car. All i needed was Hayden.

Paige had to carry me up to the condo since I refused to move. Hayden took a bullet, for 300 people in that room. He's my hero.

It's currently 10:10 pm, Paige and I are waiting for a call from Mr.Jimmy. "Paige" I said sobbing. "Yes Annie?" She said wrapping her arms around me. "Why him? Why Hayden?" I sobbed. "Annie, he was a hero. He's a hero for taking the bullet." Paige said sympathetically. All I felt was crying my heart out. And I did.

That was the home phone! Paige quickly picked it up. "Hello?" She said into the phone. She ended it pretty quickly after that. Then I looked at Paige with a worried, anxious face.

"We can... go to visit him." Paige said sadly, putting the phone back. "Paige, what's wrong?" I asked confused. "Annie, when I say that, we can go to the hospital now. He-he's in surgery." Paige said.

My heart stopped.

"W-What?" I said, letting tears roll down my cheek. Paige came over and hugged me tight. I started to cry full on out. "Come on," Paige said trying not to cry. I sadly nodded and we hopped in the car again.

We arrived at the hospital and ran inside. We ran to the receptionist lady. "Um, can you please tell us which room Hayden Summerall is in?" I asked with a chocked voice. "Yes sweetie. He's in the surgery center on floor 6 room 618." She said. We thanked her and sped to the elevator.

We reached the floor and went outside of room 618. I see Mr.Jimmy and Dylan. They both look like they've been crying as much as me. I ran to Dylan and hugged him. He hugged me back and we both started crying, in each other's arms.

After like 5 minutes we pulled away from the hug. "H-How is he?" I ask trying not to break out in tears again. "He's in surgery." Mr.Jimmy said. I frown. I can't loose Hayden. Please not him.

It's been about 2 hours and it's like midnight. A nurse comes up to us. "I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over. One of you can stay over night with the patient." The nurse says.

We all look at each other. "If it's okay with you Mr.Jimmy, can I stay with Hayden?" I asked politely as possible. He had a faint smile and nodded. I had a faint smile too.

Everyone left and I was at the hospital. Alone. It was 1:00 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. "Sweet heart?" A nurse said, standing in front of me. "Oh, um yes?" I said clearly dreamt out in my own thoughts.

"Hayden Summerall's surgery was successful. He's sleeping but you can see him now." She said smiling. I smiled back. "Thank you!" I rushed in the room and see wires attached to Hayden. He was shirtless. He looked peaceful.

I sat down in a chair next to him stroking his brown, soft curly hair. He fluttered his eyes. "A-Annie?" He said with the weakest voice. "Shhhh Hayden. You need rest. Your fine." I said moving my hand down to his cheek. "I'm fine Annie." He said softly. He tried to sit up. "No no, lay down. You just had surgery." I said pulling my hand off his cheek.

He smiled and took my hand, and i intertwined them. "I'm sorry anns" he said raspy. "No Hayden, you saved hundreds of people at the banquet. Your my hero." I said he smiled. I kissed his cheek. He smiled even more. "How do you feel?" I asked him. "I feel okay." He said. "You should get some sleep." I said standing up from my chair. "What about you?" He asked. "I'm going to sleep outside on the waiting room chairs.

"No Annie, please don't leave." He said making a pouty face. He's too cute! "Then where am I suppose to sleep?" I said crossing my arms playfully. "Right here!" He said patting the bed. "Hayden, that gurney is to small for both of us." I said letting out a small laugh. "No it's not!" He said scooting over. "Pweese!" He said. I laughed and laid down next to him.

"I love you Leblanc" "I love you too Summerall"
Awww ❤️
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