// I W A N T O N E //

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Being with Matty for three years has been amazing, He does almost anything for me. We're on our way to my parents house but my baby cousins are gonna be there and Matty is really excited, He always says he hates kids but it's obvious he doesn't, He grabs my hand and kissed it "What are you thinking about babe?" "Nothing, I'm just excited to see babies" He laughs "Me too baby".

We get to the house and my parents come out and hug us, as soon as we walk in babies start crying, I walk into the living room to see my baby cousins, Tyler, and Georgia. I reach my arms out for Tyler and my cousin Rachel hands him to me, Matty holds Georgia while I hold Tyler, Matty would be such a good father. They way he holds Georgia is amazing, They way she looks up at him and the way he looks down at her is beautiful, Matty looks over to me "She's so beautiful" "I know babe, Look at Tyler, He's so handsome" "Yes he does, They are very beautiful babies".

Two hours later

We walk into the house and go straight upstairs and flop on to the bed, Matty looks over at me and smiles "I was thinking" "That's never good" I laugh as he glares at me "Seriously Y/n, I want one" "Want one what?" "A baby for God's sake" "Matty, Are you sure? Cause I don't know if we're ready, if I'M ready" "Baby, We've been together for three years, I think we should try" "But w-what if something bad happens to him or her? What if I miscarry Matty?" "Are you fooking mental?! Don't think like that babydoll, We'll be just fine" "Are you sure?" "Not one hundred percent, but pretty sure darling" "I don't know Matty" "Babe c'mon, We both really want to start a family" "But now?" "Yes now" "You are so impatient Matthew Healy" "I swear I will impregnate you" I bust out laughing, I laugh so hard tears start to stream down my cheek, Matty just laughs as I gasp for air "You can't say that Matty" "Well I did" I laugh and cuddle into his side "Can I think about it?" "As long as you need to baby" "I love you Matty" "I love you too darling, now go to sleep, I know your tired" I nod and wrap my arms around him.

Matty Healy, One Shots, Cute & Cuddly.Where stories live. Discover now