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Justin B;

"Wow you look sexy tonight" Alden said look at my regular shirt and ripped jeans.
"What? How?" I looked at my outfit. I look pretty bland if you ask me.

"I don't know it just looks good on you" Aiden rolls his eyes. "Geez you can't even take a compliment Justy" He messed my hair up.

"Why did you do that?" I scoffed.

"Aiden! Justin! Get back to work" Wellington walks out. "No one wants a drink" I said. How the fuck are we gonna work if no one wants a drink. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey where's Mr.McCann" he asked.
"Hopefully not coming" I mumbled to Aiden.

It's obvious Jason has a drinking problem and I want him to get better, plus I'm already his. . . He doesn't have to come here and flirt with me anymore.

"What you don't wanna see your boy toy?" Aiden asked me. I face palmed when I saw Wellingtons eyes widened.

"Do you know how amazing this is! Now we can renovate the place!" Wellington claps. "No no" I wagged my finger.

"Come on Justin, I been wanting to put a couple strip poles in here." Hs nudged my shoulder.

"Get some girls up in here am I right Aiden?"
Aiden stared blankly at Wellington.

"Don't tell me your gay too" Wellington coughed from laughter.

"No. I just don't want this to turn into a strip joint" Aiden Shrugs. "I agree" I added

"Come on get your little boyfriend to give you some cash and-" I cut him off. "I won't use Jason for money. That's low even for you" I throw my dirty cloth that i was using to clean the cups at Wellington

"Where you going?" Wellington called.


I went outside and saw the same guy that time I bumped into Jason for the first time. What was his name. . . Mason!

"Justin right?" He asked me. "Yeah" I sighed.

"Wow you always got something going on huh? Imma start calling you bad news" He chuckled at his own Joke.

"Hilarious" I muttered.

"What's wrong now?" He asked me taking out a cigarette. 

"You really should stop smoking" I said to him watching as he inhaled the death stick.

"Why should I?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Hey dude I'm just saying. Your too young to die" I told him. "There's no point of me being here" He added.

"Of course there is! Everyone has a purpose on being alive and put on this earth" I exclaimed.

"So what's yours?" He asked. I was totally dumbfounded. Why am I here? What is my purpose?

"I-I don't know yet" I empathized the Yet part.
"So why don't you help me find mine?" He dropped the cigarette and stomped on it.

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