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[note that I may take a while to post about you because I might not know you well or I'm lazy. Also once everyone's read this I may delete the book but Idek)

_The_RiddlerisHere_ you're definitely someone I've been neglecting I feel

We haven't been all that close recently and I've noticed that maybe I'm frustrating you more and I'm sorry

I was thinking about the times when we were defending Ozzy and we started like a huge war against this person

That was so much fun, and I really wanna thank you for that

When we'd go on here and defend oz together I felt amazing. All my problems were gone and I knew I was helping someone I loved

But, let's not talk about how we would stay up all night having fun talking shit and planning evil things against someone because, they called Ozzy names

I wanna talk about you personally

One thing I know about you is that your fun to be around and your mostly kind.

You seem to try and find the good in people and spread the love through books and such and be someone's venting object like me

But what I just did there "like me" is something I need to apologize for

I've been so self centered and like you said sorta "toxic" and I'm sorry. Idfk why I'm like that and I apologize

I'm so fucking bossy towards you almost as much as CarlxGallagher

I take you for granted and talk to you like your more of an object then a friend and I'm sorry

I just idk how to write you something good in here because honestly all I can think about is how awful I've been to you

This is a book of love yes but, isn't apologizing a act of love in a way? That you're asking the person to love and accept you even though you wronged them?

I've definitely wronged you, I'd still vent to you even when you said you couldn't take it. I'd get mad at you and say you don't know what it's like to just to be someone's venting object or love life manager. However in real life you knew exactly what it Meant, and I'd get mad at you for it including SavageBlueSkye

I've had a lot of fun with you but it doesn't justify how I've been treating you. I sat down to write this thinking it would be easy

But, I'm so self centered I made YOUR chapter about me. I'm sorry about that too

Because you are a amazing human being

You're always trying to help people and solve their problems, when you can't even solve your own

You try and spread the love so the works can be a better place

Your a amazing friend and thank you for being there. Ily and please forgive me

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