The Royal Tutor Arrives part 2

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Beautiful on the outside,but he reveals his inner arrogance once he opens his mouth. A pride as tall as Everest. The Everest Proud Prince.
"Now that you understand, you may take your things and..." he got interrupted.
"Professor!" a voice made an approach towards me.
"Gotcha!" someone grabbed me by the back and started swung me like a 5 year kid.
"Ahh! You are so little as a tutor. Aww so adorable! Come on tell me......"
" Damn it! Bambam! You interrupted me! "
" That's not fair Tae, I wanna talk to the little
professor too! " he started nagging
"You are calling me little twice." said as I turned my face to face him
"Doesn't it sounds cute?" winked at me "Hlw my name is Kim Kunpimook. You can call me "Bambam"
"Yay!" giving a pace sign.
This would be the fifth prince. So light-hearted, you wouldn't think him royally. I looked at him. He must be the playboy one.

"Miss (X/N) tell me the truth,did you find me gorgeous? Are you dazzled by my dashing looks? " *waving his body "Oh boy, I'm so seductive! They should lock me up and throw the key!"
"Seductive, my foot! Obscene is the word you're looking for." a pale hand started squeezing Bambam's cheek." Well they should lock you up alright,but not for your looks! "

That's smart. I wonder if they're always like this. " Excuse my younger brother's outblast. As his older brother and the third prince of the kingdom,I sincerely apologize. Recently, I've read though some materials about you. For some reason, your personal history was completely removed. Where in the world did you got higher education from? "
"Now here...." I signed deeply
"Pardon?" waiting for an answer
"I've never went to university." I admitted clearly.
"Oh I see..." A very polile boy but his gaze just turned very cold after hearing my lack of education. Kim Jinyoung The Browbeating Brainiac Prince.
He moved back to his previous place and started introducing the guy who is right beside him. "This is the second prince Kim Seung hyun" "T.O.P aren't you going to introduce yourself to the royal tutor?" He made a sign and approach towards me. "Get lost" said as glared at me.
Ohh yeah the well known glaring prince.

While it was a bit concerning, I've finally greeted all four prince.
"Let us strike while the iron is hot! I'll now be interviewing you since now that we all introduced." I said.
"Interviewing us?" Taehyung questioned
"I do have received plenty of information about your highness." I started unfolding the file I've been holding all along.

"What do you mean by information?!"
Taehyung said in hesitation.

"Let me see..." I said while scrolling the papers. "Your reputation in the city, newspaper,clippings,the marks you've earned at school and so on.." I looked at him.
"Woo~ what do they say about me? Do the ladies call me pretty-manly prince?" Bambam poked me as he tried to take a peak on the files.
I rolled my eyes as I slapped the file's cover. "So I'd like to take interviews individually to help me plan your lesson." I explained

"That won't be necessary. I hate tutors more than anything!" said Taehyung. " I don't accept accept you, got it? You'll run away like the rest of them soon enough,anyway "

" I agree. I do not require a so called royal tutor who has never even studied at university." Jin young crossed his arm

"I see.." I signed. "So this is the reason why so many royal tutors ran away. They were all stunned and rejected by you princes."

A satisfaction grew on their faces. "How foolish of them." I smirk "Now who will go first for the interview? I said happily. All four princes looked at me bluntly.
"Were you even listening to me?" Taehyung shouted.
"Well..I was." I cleared my throat. "You do not wish to accept me as your royal tutor. Surely your highness are revealing attitude towards me is screw you,shut up and die."
"I didn't took it that far!" he said in a hesitate voice.
"It's time for your first lesson!" I said while pointing at them. "I'll never going to run. Your highness feeling is surely not my concern."  

Taehyung's POV
What's up with her. Why don't she gave up already? You want to play? Let's play.
A smirk grew on my face. 
"If we four prince gave complain to our father, then there won't be any reason for you to be our royal tutor." I said confidently

"Ohh! I almost forgot!" Bambam jumped up "Sorry V. My guests are waiting in my room."said as he rushed towards the door.
"But! wait!" I called out.
He turned back, "Hey! Miss Beautiful..If you want to interview me, come to my room after my guests leaves." he winked at her. "You we can have some fun time." he left the place while laughing.
"Bambam! that idiot!" I shout.
"W-well I was never counting on his help." I turned my face towards Jin young. "My dear brother, let's drive her out together!" Hoping at last he'll agree with me.
"See you long" Jin young said as he raised his hand. "I don't want to deal with you. It's father's request and I respect his opinion." said as he held the door knob. 
"But Miss If you even a second late, you can forget about the interview."
"I won't disappoint you!" she said cheerily
"N-no way, Hyung!" I cried out.
He didn't even looked back. "Abadoned by all hyungs? You poor prince." she said as giving me a disappointed sign. 
"What do you mean by that? I still have...." I looked around the hall room.
" Where's T.O.P? "
"Didn't you noticed? He left long time ago" she smirked.
Those jerks!!! How can they be like that!!
"So... Abadoned Prince shall we?" she speaked out.
"Don't call me that!" 
"Already become upset?" she questioned. "Don't be upset, join me instead for an interview.You are not alone." poking my back with her notebook
"I told you, I don't want to! I don't need any tutor!!"
"Yeah..yeah.I got it."she started looking around."So,shall we take the interview at your room?"
"...What? "
" Let's go! " she grabbed my blazer and started pulling me towards the hall entrance.
"Yah! It's famous designed blazer!!"
Suddenly she stopped and looked at me."I'll buy you one,so let's go." 
"Hey slow down!! Who are you?!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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