Believe it or not ya boi- scratch that I'm sure most of the people who have heard of me on here hate me in some way shape or form. Just a guess, kind of 25-30% educated guess but whatever. ANNNNNYYYYYYWAAAAAYYYYY just a little update. I know I'm not on here at all really but here's kn anyway that includes me getting rid of something I put on this app instead of adding to it.
I'll be taking down my face reveal. For 2 reasons.
1. It's outdated by over 1 year now
2. I'm starting a YouTube channel and I don't want it to exist when I do.
Now that doesn't mean I'm making one single video revealing I'm some 30 year old pedo, I swear I'm not.
I am changing my hairstyle to something completely different to the f***boi mk 1 hairstyle I have in that photo so I don't want "old me" to exist in a sense. Alright that's it. By the time most people see this the picture will already be gone because I'm literally deleting it as soon as this is published.