Why Not Hope Instead Of hate

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Why do we sit here and say we give up? Why do we sit there and say that there is no hope? Why do we sit there and care what people say? Why do we care if that one boy or girl doesn't like us? So they don't like you,  that doesn't mean you give up. We all come in different shapes and sides,  doesn't make us different.  If people make fun of you. You know what you should do? Act as if you don't care. Cause when you show you care people miss with you more. You don't have to hate someone,cause maybe only maybe that person you hate just may save your life one day. Never say you can't take life no more. Cause you have people who cares about you, and loves you, and always want to be there in their life. Don't give up, you should always try. Never say you can't take it no more, because we can always try and try until we can't take it no more. Never stop hoping, never stop believing. Always stay strong and never let yourself go. There is no point on, giving up hope,  cause hope is what keeps you going, hope is what keeps everybody going, once you lose hope, then you giving up. You may feel like your hated but somewhere out there, there is someone who loves you and cares for you. So just stay strong, stay tall, and never give up hope.

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