Chapter 4 - Beginning of a strange night

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*Couple of weeks later* (Pha's POV)

"Cheers everyone." Yo shouts.

We are sitting in a bar with my two friends and Yo. My two friends are quite drunk while Yo is still kind of OK, but swaying a little in his chair. I am also more on the drunk side. Still,  I try to take care of my Wayo, while he is half ignoring me, half staring at me angrily.

Why does he do that? How does it happened? 

*Flashback of 2 days before*

They never asked of anything. They said, they will keep it for something big. I also try to push the matter at the back of my mind. As they say, there is no use crying over spilt milk.

We are at the moment studying in my room. I have to tutor my stupid best friends because we are reaching the end of semester exams.

"Remind me, why did I decided to attend medical school?" whines Kit.

"Because this stupid Boss of us can't attend alone. He had to drag us here" grumbles Beam.

Smack! I hit his head with some paper.

"Concentrate, or you can learn on your own."

Beep, beep. My phone rings and I look at the name on the screen. Darn, it's Prink. We are still polite with each other, however I try hard to keep my distance to make her understand, I only care about my Wayo.

"Ai'Pha, do you have the handouts from the last lab work with Professor Auntie? I seemed to lost mine somehow and I would like to make a copy of yours" I reaaly don't have time and nerves for this.

"Yes, I have them. Can you come and get them?" It is definitely better, if she comes to my room, while Kit and Beam is here, because I want to be above suspicion. Of course, I would never do something suspicious, but I don't want to hurt Yo's feelings.

"I can't, I have to wait for my friend in my room, can you please bring them? It's not that it is far." This is bad, I really don't want to go to her room.

However, I agree with her request, I don't want to be responsible, if she fails.

"Ai'Kit, can you come with me to Prink's room?" I ask my friend, who sits on the bed. My other jerk friend already fallen asleep on my bed. It is understandable, it's already nearing midnight "I need to give her some papers"

"Again? Why can't she keep a tab on her handouts?" Kit looks a little pissed to come with me. But I definitely need someone to come with me, because I don't want to be alone with Prink even for a second. I don't want Yo to think, I have anything to do with that woman. I only help her in this situations because we are both med students and I can understand her struggles.

As we walk to her floor, I notice that my laces are loose.

"Go Ai'Kit, I will follow you, leave the door open." I bend down, and I tighten my laces.

When I straighten up, he is already in Prink's room, so I also open the door and enter. My friend is already accepting a cup of coffee. That is a traitor for you. [A/N: of course he is only polite, plus very tired.]

"Here are your handouts" I hand her some papers.

"Oh sorry Ai'Phana, can you wait for a little, I have to copy it, and this friend of mine also needs it. But You and Ai'Kit can study here, while you are waiting."

Darn, how I hate it when this happens. So I sit down with Kit at her couch and start to study while she sits at her desk and starts to copy the notes. Half an hour passes and there is no sign of her friend. She is nearly finished with the notes and tells us, it is only a couple of minutes.

I explain Kit some more of the parts he has to learn for the exam, and after 10 more minutes, she is finished. Now what? I really don't want to stay in her room anymore and her friend is still not here.

Bzz, bzz.

Suddenly my phone is buzzing. I look at the screen and I see that is my wife calling. So I pick it up, I really miss his voice. During these last couple of days, I wasn't able to see him much, he also has to study for his exams.

"Hallo..." at the exact same moment, Prink began to talk.

"You can go now Ai'Pha, thank you for this." I just nod because I am focusing on waiting to hear my Wayo's voice. But there is only silence at the other end of the line. Strange. Did Yo only call me accidentally?

We go back to my room to wake up Beam and let them go home before the start of the exams tomorrow.

Yo's POV

I was out buying some snacks for my last study session at the nearest convenience store. As I got back, I see my boyfriend walking towards my door. I am so happy to see him, because I missed him so much in these days. But I understand that he studies to be a doctor and it is not easy.

I decided to surprise him from behind, so I went after him. However, when I reached my door, I couldn't see P'Pha anywhere. As my room is at the end of the corridor, if he turned back we should have met. I went inside my room to see if he somehow got inside but he wasn't there.

There is only one other room, he could have gone to, but naah... he wouldn't go to her room this late, right? I jumped on my bed to continued reviewing but I couldn't concentrate. The only solution for his disappearance is that he went to Prink's room. Except if I saw a ghost, that took my boyfriends form. So I went to the door and opened it to a bit to survey the situation outside. I am pretty sure it was my boyfriend, not a ghost.

So I grabbed my One Piece manga, sit by the door to see if he comes out of that room. But it is already half an hour later and there is no sigh of him. My imagination starts to run wild. What if he choses Prink? What if she kissing him right now? What if she is touching the body that belongs to me?

I decide to call him just to make sure, hi is in his room, and I am totally crazy. That would be the best solution.

Ring, ring... He picks up the phone very fast.

"Hallo..." before he can utter any more words, I hear Prink's voice at the background. "You can go now Ai'Pha, thank you for this."

I disconnect the call, shut the door and lean my back on it. I am not crying, not doing anything. I am just staring into the air front of me, feeling completely empty.

What was he doing with Prink with more than half an hour in the middle of the night?

A/N: This keeps escalating without reaching the climax. But I will get there at some point. I just want to give a background because I feel that's how the story flows naturally.

But during the time, here is Prink to be hated a bit. She is such a convenient character to stir things up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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