Until The End (Ruki of the GazettE)

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   The doorbell rang in the Shiroyama house, "That's Ruki, stay here, Aiko. I'll go get it." the man named Yuu, or, as he was called by his bandmates, Aoi. He walked to the door, opening it, to Ruki

"He kicked me out for good, this time, Aoi-san" Ruki shoved his blonde hair out of his eyes. "I'm just going to stay her a week or two, no longer. I promise. Where can I put this?" he held up bag that probably only had 10 outfits in it.

"My room. Just remember, my sister lives here with me, and she's shy, so please try not to frighten her." he said.

 "I won't." he said sitting on the couch. Aoi left to put up the bag. Ruki looked over in the next room, noticing a girl watching him "Hello, there" he said in a friendly tone. She gasped and ran off. He thought she was beautiful. She had long black hair, that appeared untouched by dyes, chemicals, exessive amounts of heat or anything. Her skin appeared soft and beautiful, met with big, dark, brown eyes.

 "Ok, you sleep here on the couch. I don't have another bed for you. Aiko-chan took the spare bed" Aoi plopped down on the opposite side of the couch that his friend was on. "I hope the couch is comfortable for you, but I'm not giving up my bed, and I'm not making Aiko give up her's."

 "I understand. I would like to meet Aiko, I had a little encounter with her, but as soon as I saw her she ran off. Maybe you can help her warm up to me."

 "Ok. Remember, she's my sister, not your toy..." Aoi grumbled, remebering every other girlfriend of his was a 'vengeance'  girlfriend, meaning he took revenge on his ex, by using another girl. Aoi hated that aspect of his friend's personality. He hope his sister wouldn't be one. He returned, Aiko behind him. "Ruki, meet Aiko. Aiko, this is my bandmate, he will be staying here for a bit. It would help him out alot if you could talk to him and get to know him."

  "You can call me Ruki or Takanori, whatever you prefer" Ruki said, Aoi giving him a glare, knowing he was begining to flirt. He never told anyone they could call him Takanori.

  "I-is R-ruki your band name?" She said in a quiet voice

  "It is." He nodded.

  "Ane-san won't tell me much about your band, just that the members are interesting people."

 "Yes, I'd say we are"he chuckled, "He should let you meet all of us. You're really pretty, you know that?"

  "Thank you, Ruki-san"

  "Ruki...." Aoi growled, glaring at his bandmate

  "What? I'm complementing her." Ruki defended himself. "Is that a sin?"

   "No...I'm going to the bathroom."

  "He seems a bit protective..." Ruki said as soon as he left.

   "He is. He cares for me alot. I know he does." She nodded. by the end of that night, Ruki and Aiko were a couple, and Ruki had a good feeling about her, although Aoi did not like it.

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