My Little Munchkin

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Tony Stark's POV

I have a daughter. I found her crying in an alleyway near a sketchy looking building about 2 years ago, so i've been raising her and changing her diapers for a long time. (I also found out that pumpkin baby food actually tastes pretty good.) She's always been a happy little soul. She's the light of my life, well that is the main one besides Pepper. Her name is (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Stark, Happy and Pepper helped me pick out the name. She's my little munchkin and I will love her till the end of time no matter what. 

5 years later...

(Y/N)'s POV

Today's my 7th birthday!! I can't wait my dad is probably throwing me a party with the rest of the Avengers. I love my dad. It's always been him and I, my mom was never around... But I do have a "mom" her name is Pepper Potts, she's Tony's girlfriend. I love her too! She's so nice and she smells like strawberries and she's really pretty. Anywho, i'm gonna go back to my room and watch movies. Maybe I could ask Auntie Nat to watch some movies with me... Oh! WE COULD WATCH THE OFFICE!! "Aww hell YEAH!!" Uh-oh I hope Steve DIdn't hear me... 

Author's Note

Hello Everyone reading this! This is my first ever FanFic so I hope you enjoy it! Writing is a passion of mine and I do it to take my mind off of things. Recently at home there been a lot of problems... so I may be writing a lot to get everything off my mind. Once again I hope you all enjoy this story! -Aly (like Prince Ali or Muhammad Ali, pronunciation wise) 

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