Oh Hell To the NO!

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Steve's POV...

I made my way into the elevator to go get Bucky. He's been in the lab for a while now, but they've managed to get the trigger words that were burned into his brain out. He's been here in the tower for a little over a month, but the team agreed that it was safer for (y/n) if he stayed in the lab to fix his brain. So, now that Bucky can't go 'Winter Soldier' on us anymore it's safe for the team to officially meet him. But, something else that Tony and I were wondering was if Buck's nightmares were going to go away. I mean yes Tony and Bruce are smart enough to make a pill or something that he could take before he went to sleep, but that would take a long time to get it right. They would have to go through tests and stuff like that before he could actually be ok. I was broken out of my thoughts by the elevator opening. 'It's ok Steve he'll be fine. I hope.' 

As I made my way to the lab doors I could hear a bit of the conversation Bucky was having with one of the doctors. "How long until I remember everything?" He had asked. "Well Mr. Barnes, this process could take a while. There's no telling when you'll get them back, but my best guess is maybe a couple months, maybe even a year..." There was a pause for a couple seconds. "Alright, thanks Doc. I appreciate everything you've done for me." Buck said with a small smile. I could really only see because I was peeking from the side of the doorway. The labs are a pristine white. Everything always looked clean and the lighting was just perfect. Well, everythings perfect when it comes to Tony and his OCD-ness. I made my way into the room acting like I wasn't just listening in on their convo.

 "Hey Buck. Hello Doc. How's everything going? Good I hope?" I had a bit of enthusiasm saying that. Bucky looked up at me and smiled, happy that he could finally be out of these god forsaken labs. "Hey Steve, everything's good. We were just wrapping up." Bucky turned to the doctor. "Thanks again Doc." He said. "No thank you Mr. Barnes. It's been a pleasure." Then the doctor walked out, leaving me and Buck alone. "Hey punk." Bucky said with a grin. "Are we gonna go up or what?" he said ecstatic. "Yeah, come on let's go you jerk." I said smiling. Bucky got up and walked over to me giving me a bro hug. Then we went over to the elevators. "You ready to meet everyone?" I asked. "Uh yeah... I mean I'm kind of nervous..." Buck said scratching the back of his neck as we walked into the only open elevator. "It'll be ok Buck, you'll be fine." I reassured him as the elevator started going up. 

"Everyone'll love you." He nodded his head. He's only smiled a real happy smile once, the rest were either a sad one or a nervous one. He still uncomfortable. But I know just the person who could fix that. The little angel herself... "Oh yeah before I forget, Tony already gave you a room near mine if anything happens. Your rooms also across the hall from Tony's daughter-" "TONY HAS A DAUGHTER?" Buck cut me off. "Um yes, yes he does. Her names (y/n), she just turned seven today. You two would get along well, she's a real charmer that one." I said smiling. "That's good to know and all, but Steve do you guys really trust me around a kid?" Bucky asked worried. "Oh Buck, if only you knew..." I said laughing. "Know what?" Buck asked absolutely confused.

"(y/n) can hold her own in fight, she beat me and Widow in training without even breaking a sweat. Actually now that I think about it that's kinda embarrassing that a seven year old beat me in a fight... nevermind it was so awesome!" I said laughing at the memory. Bucky laughed at me though. 'Ha, you better watch out Buck I'll get (y/n) to kick your ass too...' I thought to myself. "Well I can't wait to meet her." Bucky said amused. The elevator dinged. It opened up to the Avengers Floor living room that was decorated with balloons and decorations in (y/n)'s favorite color which was (f/c). Bucky and I could hear distant chatting in the next room over with some giggling here and there. "You ready?" I asked Buck. "Ready as I'll ever be..." 

(Y/N)'s POV...

All the rest of my aunts and uncles were sitting around eating cake and talking to one another while I hung out with Uncle Loki and Uncle Thor. They were telling me new stories of their recent adventures in Asgard when I heard the elevator ring. Everyone stopped what they were doing and we all walked over to the elevator. I'm pretty shy so when I saw who I thought was this 'Bucky' guy I hid behind Uncle Loki. Papa, who was standing near Steve sad hello to 'Bucky' first. "Bucky, it's nice to meet you when you're not trying to kill me." Papa said to who I now know is actually Bucky. "Anthony, I could say the same, but it's nice to meet you again as well." Bucky said. 

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