chapter the fifth

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In which Namjoon is forced against his will to attend a party that his roommate, aka best friend, is throwing and said best friend comes up with a stupid and completely irrational plan that will get Yoongi to finally notice Namjoon. Of course since Taehyung made the plan it doesn’t go right.


Namjoon did not agree with the party.

He made sure to tell this to Taehyung who didn't seem to get the memo that Namjoon wasn't in the mood for couples to stumble into his room or some drunken idiot falling asleep on his bed – again.

"Why does it have to be here?" Namjoon says as he flips through a page of his Philosophy text book.

Taehyung sends him one of those boxy smiles, "Because! This is the perfect opportunity to get Min Yoongi to notice you." He says it confidently, as if Yoongi would ever pay attention to someone like him.

Namjoon sighs and props his knee up to balance his notebook and write down a few notes. "Couldn't it have been at your boyfriend’s house instead?"

Taehyung still blushes every time Namjoon reminds him of his boyfriend, he carelessly shrugs and flops onto Namjoon's bed and giggles at his groan to stop it because he's taking notes.

"’Course not silly! Jimin-hyung – you remember Jimin-hyung right? Hoseokie's cute roommate – well he's working on a group project with that freshmen I told you I met – Jungkook – and he doesn't want to go over to the library to work on it or to Jungkookie's dorm because his dorm mate is-"

"Okay! I get it Taehyung," Namjoon laughs out reluctantly, he closes his notebook and text book and sighs as he looks up to a pleading Taehyung.

"Fine," Taehyung woops out in victory, "But, let me study and once I'm finished with it I'll go out and join the party."

Taehyung nods excitedly and skips out of Namjoon's room. Namjoon picks his Literature text book from the floor and takes advantage of the quiet in their dorm before people start coming in.

This was not part of the plan, is what Namjoon is thinking when Taehyung starts leaning in too close to him and he can feel his friend’s warm breath fanning over his lips.

His eyes are wide in surprise when Taehyung sends him a smirk and wiggles his brows at him.

When Namjoon decided to finally come out from his quiet and peaceful room he had been met with Taehyung harshly grabbing him from the collar of his T-shirt and stretching it out so that it fell over his shoulder.

"He's here!" Taehyung said through the loud sound of the bass from the song.

Namjoon frowned confusedly, "Who is?"

"Yoongi duh." Taehyung said with a roll of his eyes and pointed over to a stumbling and giggling Yoongi.

Namjoon feels his palms getting sweaty like they tend to do whenever Yoongi's nearby and he dries them over the cloth of his jeans.

When Namjoon turns to look over at Taehyung he catches the glint of something devilish on his hazel eyes and suddenly the room feels too closed in and he can't quite breathe well.

"I have a plan," Taehyung whispers and as if on cue the two of them turn to look at Yoongi who is already staring at them with his jaw hanging open and his eyes bulging out in surprise.

Namjoon thinks he sees a flash of jealousy pass through his eyes, but then Taehyung's blocking his view and leaning in too close to him.

"Just follow my move Joonie-hyung."

Namjoon frowns and tries to put some distance between the two of them before Yoongi starts getting the wrong idea.

"What - what are you doing Tae?" Namjoon stutters out, blushing madly when he notices how close Taehyung is.

"Shh, I know what I'm doing hyung." Taehyung giggles and Namjoon is wondering how he'll explain to Hoseok that Taehyung was the one who made the first move, not him, when he hears the loud sound of someone clearing their throat.

Taehyung claps a hand over his mouth to stop his laughter and Namjoon is even more confused than before, he's a bit surprised when he watches Taehyung fix his composure into something half careless and half annoyance.

"Can I fucking help you?" Taehyung says deeply, Namjoon cocks his head to the side and watches Taehyung with a raise brow as he glares at Min Yoongi.

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