Midday Friday

6 3 0


A boy sat sideways

fiddling with his shoes,

with a clutter of thoughts.

A classroom filled with souls,

and their soulless teacher

An air so tight, eerie

until it's breathless.


The sun atop of us

beckons to reach our skins

to deliver warmth, to deliver life

Failed to puncture this viscosity

brewed by the dreamless

And their concentrations

towards nothing.


Is all that of this boy

like a torch in a faceless fog

lighting up, searching for an exit

Trudging through this swamp

impeded, his steps

Grew heavier

to a stop.


Was what he saw around him

not the slightest indication of a living being

as transparent as glass, but felt like a million weights.

The boy only has one small hope

may one day they'll see the sun

Let it heal their souls 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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