Yay! New friends!

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Finally. I have friends besides Hollyflight! Thank you to them!
Anyways, I'll tell you how I met Hollyflight!

*sits down* Okay, it was really weird! An dragonet named Starcatcher showed up with a brown cat with green eyes! I was so confused but the cat said to find the dragonet's destiny! I did as she said and stated that the young dragonet was an IceWing/NightWing hybrid!

After Starcatcher was whisked away to Pyrrhia, Hollyflight and I talked about stuff and I asked about why she was here. She said that she would make 'OCs' for her fanfic and then we kept talking.

Hollyflight kept coming back and we became good friends. She invited me to this site and I got to read her fanfic! It's so good! I really like Graceful, she was fun to create!

So, that's how met her! I got to go help create a dragonet! Bye!

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