24. What's Up?

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      I have inserted the songs in between this time because it's  so important in this chapter as it comes, because character is talking to another character through it. If you are not watching, then you'll be missing things. Please don't forget to click on Like. Big Smile with a little laugh.


                 Late December morning, Abhimanyu sat on the bed in media room browsing Raina's fan website. He looked at her latest pics from the 'Wildest Dreams' tour. As he scrolled down and down he came across the pics from her Stockholm performance. He looked at the pics and remembered how scintillating she looked in real, performing on stage. He lived through their moments in subway, and their time together in Stockholm in his mind. He had done it so many times now that he had lost the count. He was not angry at her that she called him impotent though it hit him hard at that time. He was very sensitive when it came to that word, but he knew she said it in her desperation, thinking that it will challenge him and make him change his mind, get him down to prove that he hadn't become impotent. What was sad that she had to come down to this.  He plunged down the substance in his veins, and started scribbling on a paper as he remembered her beautiful face smiling at him.

                     It was next year Feb, and there was no news of Raina. The last news about her was from her tour in New Zealand which was last year. Months had passed since then, and there was no paparazzi spotting, no magazine covers, no attendance at events, no interviews of her, nothing. Her spokesperson claimed that she was busy working on her new album. Like all her fans, Abhimanyu too was wondering what was going on with her when the pics of her spotting outside the shrink's house splashed across the websites. News with click bait headlines 'Raina Caught in Depression?' and similar, inspired from one another read and sounded the same.They went how the young pop star had been keeping it low for months now, and how she looked sad and disturbed in the pics. Paragraphs and paragraphs were filled with her history, body language analysis of her pictures and projections with just one line of fact that she was spotted outside the house of a psychologist. Other than that they had no clue on any other fact. He didn't believe in the projections but he did worry about her mental health. Her publicists shot down the rumors of depression as soon as they came and said that the artist was too busy with songs for her next album and announced that her first single from her fourth album will release very soon. Two months passed and no single released. It seemed she went in some cave. Every time he visited her fan website there was no new post. He would then prick the needle in the vein of his arm and release what would make him forget about everything


            Early May, the audio of her first single for which they didn't shoot any video, "Love on the Brain' released. He remembered her saying these words to him when he advised her to move on. He played the song and it started, And you got me like oh,"What you want from me?"

And you got me like oh,"What you want from me?"
(What you want from me?)
And I tried to buy your pretty heart, but the price too high
Baby, you got me like," oh", mm
You love when I fall apart, (fall apart)
So you can put me together
And throw me against the wall

Baby, you got me like ah, woo, ah
Don't you stop loving me, loving me
Don't quit loving me, loving me
Just start loving me, loving me, babe

Hopelessly in Love {Completed} {#Dec 2017}Where stories live. Discover now