Chapter 6

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I was shaken awake, by my mate I'm guessing from the tingles.

"Wake up love" he whispered while stroking my face with his hand.

I quickly opened my eyes and backed away from him. This made him growl in anger and me to tremble again.

"Don't back away from me, mate! You're mine" he yelled while gripping my chin with his hand.
His grip was really strong and it brought tears to my eyes.

"Learn your place for god-sake" he said while releasing my chin from his iron grip and I can assure you that it will leave  a bruise later.

"I'm sorry" I whimpered while crying. His eyes softened.

"I'm sorry little mate, just please don't cry, get dressed we are meeting my family" he said softly and kissed my forehead.

I went to the bathroom and looked to the mirror and there stood this broken little girl she had circles around her eyes, her hair was like a bird net, she had bruises on her arms and chin. I looked horrific.

I wiped away my tears, brushed my hair, I didn't put any makeup because I didn't have it, I put on the outfit that was left for me.

I would have looked good if it wasn't for the bruises all over my body.

I came out of the bathroom to be greeted with my mate sitting on the bed. He looked up and his eyes started roaming around my body his eyes stopped at my chin which had bruises on it. His eyes held regret. But I know he didn't feel bad about it, he will say sorry and when hurt me again.

"I'm sorry" I just rolled my eyes, just like I predicted.

"Yeah you are sorry. Yesterday you were sorry too and you still hurt me today" I said while tears streamed down my face.

"Love, I didn't mean it I just can't control my anger. And I know I hurt you multiple times but I'm sorry. I know you are scared of me and you should be, but just know I'm not doing it on purpose " he said with hopeful eyes that I will believe him.

'Believe him, mate is sorry' my wolf begged but I just blocked her out. My wolf is a moron.

When I didn't answer him he sighed
"Come on we are meeting my family" he said while gently taking my hand in his.

He leaded me downstairs, there stood this huge table and there were sitting an older couple, I'm guessing his parents and two other people, girl and a guy, I'm guessing his siblings.

Their eyes snapped to us more exactly to me and my bruises, when their eyes snapped to Jake and they glared.

Well this will be fun.


It was awkward silence while we ate, everyone were staring at Jake, or more like glaring.

It looked like all of them were about to snap at him, for some reason. Jake was looking everywhere except to his family.

"Jake do you care to explain what happened to her jaw? I remember after we found you hurting her last time it was only her wrist and head, you said that you were sorry and you won't do it again so what is this?" His mother finally snapped pointing at me and my bruises.

"Yes brother, after I ripped you away from her last time you said you feel horrible for doing this to your mate. I guess not. You are pathetic excuse of a men and alpha. You drop this low ?To hurt your mate?"  His brother, I'm guessing, snapped also.

My mate looked like he was about to explode. He started shaking with anger and I started getting really scared, I started trembling again. I know he wasn't doing anything to me but I just couldn't control it.

"I said I was fucking sorry, I didn't want to do it, I can't control myself" my mate yelled making me flinch.

His dad I'm guessing, laughed sarcastically.
"And look where it got you" he mocked while pointing at my scared figure.
"Your mate is scared of you. She started trembling when you got angry, and flinched every time you yelled. Good job son" his dad mocked.

His eyes snapped to me and softened, he just looked at me for a few seconds, before growling and leaving the room.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding when he left.

"Hey darling are you alright? I'm Mariana Dawson, I'm your mates mother but just call me Maria." Said Jakes mother while sitting next to me.

"I'm Alexa, nice to meet you" I smiled at her.

"Oh darling you're so nice, why my son got you as his mate? Ok so this is my mate Richard, and my daughter Samantha and my another son Max" she said motioning to people in the room.

"So Alexa are you alright?" Asked Max while coming to sit next to me from the other side.

"Yeah just a little shaken up" I smiled at him

"Um I was wondering maybe you want to stay at our house, until Jake cools down" asked Maria.

My smile instantly grew from the thought.
"Yes I would love to, thank you"

She smiled sadly and motioned for me to follow her.

We drove for about ten minutes. They were living in this normal size white modern house. It had huge backyard and it was really beautiful. I wonder did my mate grew up here.

"Come here dear I will show you, your room" she motioned for me to follow.

She leaded me to the room that strongly smelled like my mate.

"This was Jakes room while he lived here, I hope you don't mind?" She asked

"No, it's good" I answered quickly, this smelled like my mate and it was calming both me and my wolf.

"Good night dear" she said after she showed me everything, and left.

I hope that everything will get better.

Hey guys, I hope you liked it, I know it was really long since I updated but now it's holidays for me so I will try to upload  more.

Love you guys

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