Everyone is staring at Harry and his new "look." I shake my head. Harry watches me all the while, enjoying my disapproving reaction to him.
Why is he here anyway? Didn't he say he hated dancing? And what is that tattoo on his upper chest? I place my hand over my heart, recalling the woman from the balcony with the same tattoo...
I shake my head, trying to focus on Father McCarthy, listening to him reciting quotes from The Bible. Harry may enjoy making a fool of himself, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of staring at him the way everyone else is.
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness John 1:7-9," Father speaks slowly. His voice is soft and delicate, but his words hold great weight.
He is right. We cannot act as though we are perfect creatures. We sin and we must confess to those sins in order to rid ourselves of the guilt and help our selves avoid sinning again.
"From Galatians: 5:19-21 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God," he pronounces. His words echo in my ears and in my chest. Why do I feel so nervous? I have done nothing wrong.
Harry drags his long finger over his lower lip and rubs it. He brings two fingers up to his mouth, in the shape of a V and sticks his tongue out slightly. I have no idea what he is suggesting, but it must be something dirty, something related to the things Father McCarthy just warned against.
Harry laughs to himself, realizing that I completely missed his dirty joke.
"Begin the cleansing," Father McCarthy says. The debutante girls walk down the steps, one by one, toward two silver basins in the middle of the dance floor.
The hotel staff carry over a small wooden table decorated with intricate paintings of Biblical characters, toward the basins. On the table is a tall array of candlesticks, unlit. Father McCarthy walks each debutante girl to the basin and the table.
The girls lower their hands into the small basin and dip their toes into the larger tub of holy water. I smile at them. This is beautiful. It is as though they are being baptized again, before they are officially considered adults. Not all Catholics practice adult baptisms in addition to infant ones, but this is a town tradition. It is slightly different from a regular baptism seeing as we are not completely submerging ourselves in the holy water, but still. The purpose is to take us girls and lead us on the righteous, pure path to adulthood.
It is my turn and Father McCarthy takes my hand in his wrinkled one. He nods his balding head and smiles. I walk down and I feel Harry's eyes on my back. And my mother's and my fathers. The whole crowd is watching tensely. As much as I'd like to just be one of the other girls, I can't. People pay more attention to me because of who my parents are, especially my father. I wonder what he will say in his speech.
Father helps me remove my heels and holds the side of my dress. I try to resist the urge to turn and see Harry. He must be confused out of his mind, or maybe amused. He is the last thing from religious.
I close my eyes as Father mutters a prayer in my ear. The water feels refreshing against my hands and feet. I step out of the basin and dry off with the towel the hotel staff hands me.
FanfictionHis fingers clench tightly around my cuffed wrists. "I don't know whether to murder you or fall in love with you," he whispers. I look into his iridescent green eyes. "Either way you'll cause me pain." **NOTE: story has been discontinued Atlantis94 ...