[ No Art + Another Rant ]

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Today was,,,, weird?
I told myself that I would talk to Squid more today, and I did.

Before first period, he was bending down to my size, GEHEBRJRRH

Second period, we were writing "Squid" and "Shrimp" all over our teacher's board.

Third period, we were joking about Thirteen Reasons Why and how it was completely different from the book.

Fourth period, he just stared at me lol

Fifth period, math, we didn't really say anything to each other
I also decided that instead of staring at him for two seconds and turning away when he looks, I actually just stare at him and smile like a creep
I can't really help it.

Then lunch came
Oh boy

So, KW told me that we're all going to sit at Squid's table. I, obviously, started freaking out.

I sat right in front of him, until he got up to get his food.
I start freaking out.

Shelly was sitting next to me and JUST HAPPENED to have her water bottle right next to me.
I see Squid walking back towards the table, he wasn't even close to it actually.

My head started to pound and I was freaking out. "I can't sit here, I can't sit here," I repeated, for some reason.

As I jolted myself up and tried to walk away, AND I accidentally spilt Shelly's water bottle, (the cap was open).

I started laughing nervously and I apologized, while rushing to get some napkins.

As I rushed back, Squid was already sitting in his usual seat and I threw the napkins at Shelly. We all laughed about it and whatever

Afterwards, KW explained that 7 years ago, her father killed himself.

The story was super sad so I said, "I need a minute," and walked into the restroom. I just rested my head on the wall, until KW walks into the restroom.

She, somehow, cheered me up and told me that Squid had asked about me.

I groan with an odd smile and rush back towards the table.

Lunch ended and we headed off to our sixth period.

Right as I headed to the classroom with Shelly, it started to sprinkle.
We all rushed inside and made my way to my stool (remember that story???) (there are stools in the classroom, it's a science lab)

Right as the bell rang, Squid walks in, soaked. The table was laughing, including me.
Squid always manages to make me laugh,,, I don't know how.

After sixth period ended, (and constant stares between the two of us), i walk over to Shelly's -science lab- table, so we can head to our next class.

Squid usually walks out as the bell rings and heads off towards his class, but he was waiting for me at the front of the classroom.

Since Shelly and I have two different LMS classes, we go two different ways.
And Squid went my way. Right next to me

He turned the same corner as me and I giggled, "You waited for me outside of class."

And he just said, "Yeah," so smoothly.

We both head into the cafeteria, where all the lockers are, and he waits right behind me to get my book.

We both walk to class together, and then yeah.

Seventh period, we didn't really say anything to each other. Just stared.

After everything was settled between my teacher and me, since I've been sitting in her desk, I made my way to the front of the school.

It had also been raining then as well, so we all were waiting under the coverage for our cars.

I leaned over and saw Squid. I smiled brightly and waved at him. He just looked at me with a blank expression.

So yeah

That was my day

But what I'm upset about, is that my dad took my cat away.
Ya know, my cat Michu.
I probably haven't mentioned him, but he's been here for a couple of weeks. He was basically my best friend for a while.

And now he's gone.

Because my dad got rid of him. 

My dad also got a puppy, for himself, and I accidentally called the puppy "Michu," and I just started crying.

But ya know

Life could be worse.


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