Chapter 32: Slumber Night!!

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Corey's POV

It's been a month since I left Los Angles. I really miss it a lot, I especially miss my girlfriend Katelyn. She's the one I love, I would never give up on her no matter what. I hope she won't give up on me too. I don't know where I would be without her. She's basically my world. Hawaii is rather different compared to L.A. I recently started university so did Chris. I'm also going to look for a job soon. This place isn't that bad, but it can get a bit boring especially if you don't affiliate with a lot of people. I have made a few friends in university, but they can never replace the friends, I left in Los Angeles and of course my lovely girlfriend Katelyn. I'm actually at the beach with Chris, I miss hanging around my big brother, he and my Mum are all I have, they mean the world to me. I recently began talking to my father. He is attempting to reunite with me but that will not erase all the stupid mistakes he made, when he put us in turmoil. I bet he is feeling slightly remorseful for what he did to us in the past, well a matter of fact he should because it was very bad. We didn't deserve that at all. I know everyone deserves a second chance but it isn't as easy as that. I need to be given time to think things over before reaching my definitive decision regarding seeing him.

"Hey man how don't we go surfing?" Chris suggested drifting me off my trance.

"Sure man that would be cool dude" I said jumping onto the surfing board, it can be unsafe especially in winter but Chris and I love it. It's basically our favourite hobby. I then slipped and nearly submerged into the water.

"Corey you're okay?" Chris worryingly said grabbing my right arm and getting me out of the water.

"I'm good" I said coughing

"I'm glad you are dude, you gave me a panic attack lil bro" chris said looking very apprehensive.

"I'm cool bro at least I didn't get injured"

I never expected that this would happen but at least I didn't really get hurt, it's because the water was so deep and it was windy that is why I lost balance, while I was surfing. It was starting to get dark, when we both headed home after chilling for a bit.

Katelyn's POV

I will be on summer holiday in 2 weeks, I can not wait I can finally take a break from my studies. College is very important but it can be stressful and hectic at times. I just wish Corey was here to spend the summer with me but I'm gradually getting used to living without him but I'm still finding it hard to acclimatise. I was just putting things in my locker, because college had finished, then someone tapped my shoulder, it was Jessica.

"Hey girl, you're ok" she said smiling

"Hey girl I didn't know it's you, jeez you kind of freaked me out" I teased

"Sorry babes" she said

"No problem Hun" I said nudging her shoulder.

"Boo I was just wondering if you wanna have a sleepover at mine tomorrow night, all the girls are invited it's like a girls' night in plus my birthday is coming up soon, I might do a party"

"OMG, that's cool babe, count me in on that girl, I'm definitely coming but I will have to ask permission from my Mum first then I will get back to you" I happily said.

"That's cool with me boo, yeah let me know Hun I'm gonna go now I'm kind of rushing" Jessica said leaving.

Skip to the sleepover at Jessica's house....

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