The First Khiliji

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After the defeat of Mamluks,this land belongs to me, yes only to me, I mean us we own this land now, we are the sultans of delhi now!!
(There is a huge uproar in the crowd)
Not only just Delhi I am gonna hand Kara over to Alauddin,my nephew we will conquer the entire golden eagle soon.The Mamluks are defeated,do not think the war is over.It isn't, now the Mongols will be coming, so we need to be ready to beat them.
After few days it happened so that the Mongols invaded Golden eagle and were badly defeated by Jalauddin Khiliji.
As Jalauddin was celebrating his victories over the Mongols his nephew Alauddin was busy in expansion of his uncle's empire.
Jalauddin was so touched by his attitude and his trust over him grew more and more stronger.
(Then came day)
My lord, You have called me?
Yes, I did I want you to invite Alauddin over,he deserves a celebration.Yes my lord as you say.
My lord,we have heard from Alauddin, he has  made a raid on Bhilsa.
Bhilsa! You say, he is making quite a name and fame for the Khiliji's,do one thing Pormar, as he cannot join us for his celebration, I want you to hand him over Awadh, his previous raid.
Yes,my lord as you wish.Send the word Alauddin troops, he is now the governor of Awadh.
"My lord there is something else too Alauddin would like to propose",What is it?, actually the thing, your nephew is planning to raid Devagiri as well.
I see so he is making a name for himself then i will make him my hand after his successful raid over Devagiri as he deserves it.
Send the word that he will be selected as my hand if he will win over Devagiri also a grand feast will be held and he has to come in it. buts Pormar just do as I say,
Yes my lord as you demand.
(Alauddin successfully raids Bhilsa and Devagiri)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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