The game

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   Star saw that started blushing because Jackson smiled at me so she decided to come and join the game she took the ball from Scott and threw it at the hoop but missed and she shouted out that she wants to try again and I let out a little chuckle, then Jackson got the ball and threw it back at her for her to try again, this time the ball actually  went into the hoop and she shouted out "Boom!" Then we all laughed it was now my turn and I threw the ball but it bounce from the hoop and I  let out a stupzzz Jackson got the ball and threw it and the ball went in again then he said "It really isn't that hard to score.. well for me that is" then he smirked, I  just rolled my eyes in a playful way and said " Don't get to full of yourself". Star then took the ball  that rolled into the bush and she then began bouncing it around and then threw it at the ring and she missed, she then yelled out "Ah shit man!" I just laughed  again it was my turn and I went and got the ball but before i could think about  throwing the ball Jackson came and stand behind me and hold my hands showing me the proper way of getting  the ball into the basket, what he did actually worked because the ball went into the hoop and I smiled and he smiled as well, but with all that taking place the girl who made him go for a water for her saw what he did and I  think she kind of got jealous and screamed out his name again this time even louder than before. I swear her voice was beginning to annoy me to the fullest, Jackson didn't  take her on instead he just took the ball the made once again another shot,  he was really good at playing  basketball he didnt miss a shot since we began playing.
      It was then again Star's turn and this time the ball went into the hoop, the girl in the stands started screaming out to Jackson again, so I finally made a comment "Jackson I think you should go and see what she wants before she comes over here because I can't stand her one bit even though I don't even know her" then rolled my eyes afterwards, he then looked at me with a puzzled look on his face but I couldn't tell what he was thinking he replied saying "She need to chill because I'm not going" I turn my eyes to Star she as well looking at me and we both laughed at his comment   because a while ago it seemed like he did everything that she asks but now he's isn't taking her on one bit I just said "Okay" and I chuckled. While I was about to make my shot Mike came up to us and said that he wants to play I said no and Mike asked why, Jackson went and got a ball from the bag where they were in and gave it to Mike, then Chris, Sky and Diamond took that ball and went to another hoop that it had at the other side of the court and was doing the same thing that Star, Jackson and I were doing. After a while we began to get fed up of playing so Star and I decided to go to the park and just sit and  relax on the slides, we hadn't eaten our snacks as yet because as we came back we started playing basketball so we sat on the slide ate our stuff and just talked about anything that came to our minds a few seconds later Jackson came into the park and began talking with us, then Scott, Rick, and Jace also came to the park and they all stood in front of the slide where atar and I were sitting at. Jace and Rick started throwing talk for one another which made everyone else laugh because everything that they were saying was really funny,  then they called quits and we just started a new conversation with every conversation we had it all led to laughter and believe me I love to laugh a lot.
     Two other boys then walked into the park Dustin and the other I didn't know but they came and ask Jackson if he wants to play a game of football with them and Jackson quickly answered and said yes, as i said before football was like a drug to boys I then said "Jackson can't play football he has two left foot" then I laughed, he said " I don't have two left foot ehh, I could very well play football" I just replied and said "uhmmmmm" with a small smirk, after they went onto the field to begin their game. Meanwhile Star was only looking at me and grinning so I asked "What?" She said "Nothing nothing". And continued grinning i then asked "Star why are you looking at me in that way and don't twll me nothing because I know it's something". She then answered me saying " You should be careful to how you act around Jackson, he has you blushing and smiling nonstop, people might get the wrong idea and think that you like him. I know you like him but you'll make everyone else know it as well." I stayed Silent for a moment and then finally respond to her statement " Star I know this, I know that I need to hide my feelings a lot more but there is just something about him that makes me go weak and I can't help myself, but i realize that I might be showing it a little too much and I still had a boyfriend even though I was very upset with him, and I kind of felt bad that I'm falling for another while I'm in a relationship."
     It's 1:58 pm and we're still in the savannah liming and just having fun, well everyone but me that is even though I  laughing at thw jokes people were making I couldn't help thinking that i wasn't being loyal to Nick, I  didn't do anything wrong but just the fact that another boy could make me feel butterflies in my stomach and I thought about being with him than with Nick made me feel bad and the way it made me feel wasnt helping my situation one bit. I was no longer sitting on the slide I got off and took a little walk so I can gather all my thoughts, all i could think about was Jackson it was like someone permanently placed him into my mind and made sure he'll never leave. I then started wondering what could it be about  him what made me fall so hard for him, I'm telling you I fell really flicking hard to but nothing came to mind with that thought I  didn't know why i fell for him I just did. Two minutes later I went backto the park where I left everyone Star then asked if I was ok and I nodded letting her know that I was although I lie because my mind was over flowing with thoughts, I went and dat on one of the swings  and just began swinging, then my phone went off I then unlocked it and saw that I had six missed calls  and three  messages from Nick, I was confused because I didn't even hear my phone ring not even once. The message said : Kc I love you with every inch of my heart, you're the most important person in my life and I need you now, forever and always💜💜😙😙.  The second one said : Please babe I'm really sorry about lying to you, I wish that I could go back in time and change it but I can't but I swear to you I'll never  ever lie to you again just please forgive me 😟😟😦😦. And the third and final one read: Kc my loving, caring, silly, savage and many more things wrapped up in one, I sorry again about lying to you and I really need your forgiveness because without you in my life it just feels like life doesn't mean anything at all, and our love is unbreakable and one of a kind please I'm begging please talk to me and lets get backto the way we were before🙏🙏🙏😿😿😿. I let out one big smile after reading all of the text messages, I smiled because I found so awesome that he was trying to win me over and not act he didn't care, that was one of the things that I found myself loving about him.

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