Do you trust me?

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*click* *click*
I blink a few times, clicking my pen to steady my breaths.  My head is cloudy, I'm nervous yet completely calm. I look up at myself in the mirror. I swallow hard and smile. Nothing to be nervous about.
*click* *click*
Ok, my presentation starts in almost a minute, I recompose myself, I have perfect posture as I re-enter my classroom. I take a swift look around the room, I spot my friend and hold his gaze for longer than I should for comfort. He offers a small smile but not enough to calm the knot in my stomach.
*click* *click*
I smile, I look at the class. I begin my presentation I just keep my gaze transfixed in on a few friendly people and it eases the lump in my throat.
*click* *click*
The presentations done within minutes. My teacher smiles up at me through her pink gloss and writes a few things down on my rubric. I sit down slightly dizzy, at least the lock in is tonight. I snake my earbuds up to my ear, the calming voice of Andy black is all I need right now.
*click* *click*
I wipe a strand of dyed purple hair away from my face and tuck it behind my ear. I look back up at my friend easing back in my chair. He gives me the thumbs up and looks back to the front, a familiar face walks up but I don't pay attention enough to remember her name. The lock in is tonight and by then I won't even remember this. Not at all.
*click* *click*
The bell rings, almost deafening in my vain attempt to calm my nerves. I gather my things clumsily and scuttle out of the door with my head down. I look up just in time to see the grade 'it boy' he's calm and graceful with a natural swagger to his step. His eyes are a deep green with flecks of gold. They're almost alluring. His dark eyelashes frame them perfectly and his dark brown hair is messily pushed back. He smiles, his teeth blindingly white. He's taking with someone, they make him laugh, I wish it was me.
*click* *click*
I accidentally walk into someone in my daze, I drop my book and scramble to pick it up. I reach my locker and lean my head against the cool metal.
"Hey nova." It's a familial voice.
"Hey Gabe." I respond curtly. I'm going to be late to eighth hour if I don't hurry by now.
"Are we going to Culver's tomorrow? With Gabi and Kat?"
"Yeah, sure." I grab what's left of what I need and close my locker, "later!" He's already walking away.
The rest of the day is filled with figuring out the age of ingenious rocks and other boring stuff.  That bell couldn't have come faster. There's chatter all around my but I'm just worried about finding a way to skip ELT and get home. I decide on the fake pass I have stashed away and within the next few minutes I'm out.
*click* *click*
The walk home is actually kind of fun, I imagine actually having fun for once at a school event. Maybe I'll even take a photo with that boy. I believe his name is Bael. For only a minute I let myself think of getting lost in his deep eyes, his olive skin pressed against mine. I stop myself. I can't let myself get my hopes up. I unlock the door and I'm home alone for the next few hours I think up a casual yet cute outfit to wear, there is only really one in my wardrobe so I choose that one. I go to the bathroom and tie up my hair. I blink a few times.
I lost my pen.
I reach for my makeup kit I got for Christmas. I put on a light layer of gold glitter eyeshadow, just enough go see in the corner of my eye. Then I apply a light pink gloss. It's not really my speed but.. it doesn't look bad. I stretch out and go to the couch, I watch a few random shows until I get a text.
Gabi: Hey, I'm headed to Baer park early meet me there?
Me: yeah be there soon
I was bored anyways. I reach for the remote and turn off the tv.

It's a short walk there but by the time I arrive we only have about 20 minutes before we can go in and start the night. They had to delay the beginning of it because the DJ was having issues setting up. A really weak argument if you ask me but whatever.
I just scroll through Instagram for a while before we walk up to the school. Within only a few minutes students flood the cafeteria where the DJ is set up.
Out of the corner of my eye I see a flash of a red shirt, I turn around and it's Bael. His blinding smile is bearing down on me and he says, "do you trust me?" In the smoothest, most calm tone.

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