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As if in one swift movement i'm led out of the crowd in the cafeteria. He leads me down the main hall to the fifth grade wing. They're finishing setting up all the arcade machinery. What is happening? Why don't I care that it's happening? Where am I going?
He leads me to the fifth grade guys bathroom. I blush bright scarlet. I shouldn't be in here. Definetly not with him!
I look up, he's slowed down finally to relax his shoulders and let go of my hand that I didn't even realize he was holding. He swings around to look at me. His grin is mischievous, his eyes are piercing. I'm completely swooning over him. I should leave, I can't be here! But. It seems like this was all supposed to happen.
I look him in the eye and can't help but letting out a small laugh.
"Me? Of all people?"
"Of course you. Why not you. It had to be you" the grin returns to his face. I didn't realize he had that affect on me. I smile again and look him in the eye.
"Well. Why am I here?" He blushes just slightly the rebellious nature reaching his eyes. Looks back at me then to the door. He grabs my hand again and pulls me into a stall. I don't have time to protest (not that I would) before he presses me against the wall and kisses me. It starts of softer but it's as if he's reaching for something more. One hand is pressed next to me on the wall. The other is on my face. He leans back and chuckles curtly. His face gets more serious then the rebellion returns. He sits down and gestures to me. I take a hesitant step forward and he sweeps me up again, he sits me on his lap facing him. He kisses me again. And I join in more my hands roaming his side and stomach and chest. He breaks the kiss.
The look on his face seems hungry. He readjusts. That's when I notice it. I guide my hand down slowly, tracing the thoughts in my head. He looks startled for only a minute but soon his casual nature returns. He returns to the kiss as I finish my job blindly. I unzip his pants and stroke him gently. He flinches in my hand but I stay on my path. His breathing wavers slightly. I pull it out and step down. I kneel before him.
I only take the tip in my mouth swirling my tongue around it enough to tease him. He lets out a slight moan. I slowly take more and more of him in. Eventually I have all of him in my mouth. He grips my hair and try's in vain to suppress his moans. Eventually a salty liquid fills my mouth and I release him. I swallow and stand back up. His grin has returned as greedy as ever. He reaches for my waist and tugs down my leggings while pulling me towards him. I sit down on his legs, my bottom half completely exposed. I find it best not to rekindle the kiss.
He guides my hips up and on top of his still prominent erection. I ease myself on top of him slowly. I moan once I'm all the way down. That's when we hear the door swing open, there's some chatter as two boys step in and take a few minutes to do their business while I slowly bounce up and down. I roll my hips trying my hardest to suppress my moans until the boys can leave. Not too long later I hear the door swing shut, I wait a few moments before I can let out a soft moan. I wipe away a purple tendril of hair sticking to my mostly gone lipgloss. I bounce up and down more and more I can feel him twitching. My legs twitch and I feel it in my stomach. I'm about to cum, I go for a little while longer and finally I release it. It comes with a rather loud moan I'm sure someone heard. I stretch it out for as long as possible and finally get off of him. I pull up my pants.
"That was fun. We should do it again sometime." And with a wink and a swift movement I was out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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