Chapter 5-Secrets

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  Springtrap POV

I heard an annoying beeping noise I tried to ignore it but after a few more beeps I sat up in my bed and pushed RESET on my alarm clock

I glanced around my room and then stared at my dresser I stood up and opened it

I put on a Blue Nike shirt with white shorts My thoughts suddenly drifted to Wolfieen I wonder if she's wearing blue as well... 

I was finally finished getting ready and walked right out the door my backpack slung over my shoulder

"Where are you going Big Bro?" Bonnie asked curiously I messed up his long hair "Just walking to school why?"Bonnie stared at me

" You never walk to school!"He protested he suddenly looked at me with a knowing look

"You're up to something aren't you?" I smiled "Maybe,maybe not..." And with that I was out the door
                        •       •       •        •

I finally saw Wolfy walking towards the fountain she was wearing a blue and white striped hoodie

It was pretty cold but I didn't care the thing that warmed me up was the thought of Wolfy

"Wolfieen!" I called to her she turned and looked at me...

I stopped and looked at her eye "Why did you cut your hair?" I asked feeling a bit worried this was all of the sudden

She sighed "I'm now blind in my left eye..." I gasped looking horrified "That's horrible!What happened?"

"I'll tell you while we're walking to school" And Wolfy and I started walking

"You remember when Foxy and Fredrick were fighting right?"
I looked at her "Yes"

"Well I hit the left side of my head a bit to hard on the wall damaging my left eye..."

I realized we were getting a bit to close to school "Wolfieen we need to split up before someone see's us!"

She nodded and went into the huge hedge that was apart of the border of their school

I walked into the school not even knowing my brother saw me with Wolfy...

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