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"When do I start." I asked quickly, because I have no one else to lose.

"Tomorrow a young business man with black hair, grey eyes , and a beard will be walking to a tall office building to make a deal. He won't make it,because you will snipe him before he walks through the tower doors."

I pulled out my guns pointed them at the power box in the small Italian restaurant and shot it cutting the power off. After I replied, " Do. Not. Test. Me. Or. Trick. Me. Those things will be deadly for you, Sir." With those words I walked out the door leaving to work on Preparations for my first job as a hit man.
It was the next day
and I was sitting on the roof with my gun scope pointed at my target. When cocked the gun my mind went elsewhere.

"Dad, what do I do to hit my target perfectly every time."
I asked a curious ten year old at the time.

"You can't shoot perfectly every time, but take a breath before you shoot to get the best shot." He replied with a chuckle as he rubbed my blond hair.

When I snapped back to reality I breathed out a breath,readjusted the scope,and I shot the bullet hitting my target. I was as bad as the people who killed my family. I am not a hero I'm a villain for my own agenda.

Before people saw were the bullet came from, I ran to the parking garage. Then I got in my car and drove home to report via email my first targets status.

When I sent in the information. my new boss sent me this:
A knife for you a bullet for the rest leaving a permanent reminder on your chest

That bit of information means they meant to play around with my head and turn me into a hit man. It all makes sense a hero was never my purpose I was given abilities for close combat. And I've always been a good marksman.
As I was thinking my phone vibrated with my next victims information in a text message.This distracted me from my thoughts leaving me too get mentally prepared for mission 2.

When I looked at the information it said that this man was sixty years old,powerful, and top it off the father of the twenty year old I killed. It said to kill him with explosives meaning I had to plant one in his office without his knowledge.

I decided to get an interview with victim 2 for an internship. I walked in talked with him while moving my hands to distract him. I stuck the bomb under his desk not activating it yet. When he said I didn't get the job I walked out. When I was a good distance away I clicked activate on my phone and heard the explosion.

I called 'Anonymous' and snapped saying ,
"Are You happy? Now give me my information."

He replied, "You work quickly and yes I am. You are superhuman in case retaliation resulted in injuries for you. We did what we could and made you invincible."

With that I said nothing, hanging up the phone. I was to angry at him to say anything. He will die soon.

It had been days clearing my thoughts. I looked at the clock and 
saw I had slept two days straight.
Before that I didn't sleep for five days and I was exhausted.
I looked at my phone to see that a random person texted me.

Random person:Heyyy.

Me:Who are you?!!

Random person:Who I am is your new work partner.

Me: Nope I don't want a partner. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't care.

Random person: 😡

Random person: I know about that night. I was there as one of your friends.

second chapter is already packed with some action and twists
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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