Don't Give Up

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There was a little girl named "Eylül" and her mom arrived from her work and bought her a candy,while she was eating the candy she was drawing a suprise for her mom. But her mom said,"i'm sorry my dear,i'm tired i'm gonna take a nap." And then the little girl's drawing was done so she decided to suprise her. But the door was half open and she did see her mom being suicide with so many pills. After that day she decided to don't love a man like her mom did to kill her self. (10 years later) She is 17 right now,But is living by her steph mom and her dad,and a steph sister with the same age as her, named "Ipek". Eylül has problems with school like punching a girl,So her dad decided tp bring her to her grandma to live he hates her daughter Eylül. And then he gave her 200 lira (turkish money) and bought her to her grandma's home. Her grandma was a bit angry to his dad but didn't le see her that she loves Eylül. And then her grandma said study for docter and go to school ,and it was night they we're sleeping. In the morning her grandma waked her up to go to school so she wouldn't but yea she did. In that highschool she met a boy teacher. And he grandma knows that teacher they're sort of friends. After that they we're going together to school with a bcycle. And day after day her grandma find out that she has stomach cancer,she didn't tell it to anyone at all. And said to Eylül, "study to be a docter, help people,they we're respecting u with the white jacket." She said okay because day after day week after week her grandma was her one and onely family. The boy teacher did help her to study everyday,he did study docter too but came from America to be a teacher. (3 years later) Her grandma did need a operation by a hospital for her stomach cancer. By Bahar's dad. Bahar is a schoolgirl of her school. So her dad did something wrong in the operation and he grandma died, because Bahar's dad Sinan was talking to the phone while he was operating her grandma. Eylül was angry! Her grandma was her only familylid! HOW COULD HE? But yes she decided to be strong and study a docterchapter. But the boy teacher decided to be a docter too and did go to America again for a few years. After 4 Years The boy teacher named "Gökhan" did ser Eylül and came in the same hospital to be a docter with her,he did ask her if she was married she said no,he asked her if she did love someone, she said no,Last thing he said was , That's good for me and did walk in to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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