Chapter 3 - Fox by Firelight

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During their journey Ash tried talking to Tor in an attempt to better their relationship. However Tor’s replies merely progressed from one word answers to noncommittal grunts, and she gave up. He completed evaded any questions about himself. After half an hour of silence she had an idea and attempted to steer the conversation in the direction of Rowan, since he seemed to like her. This had an agreeable effect and Ash was rewarded with the opinion that her sister was a ‘sweet child’. She took this as a cue to continue and Tor was regaled with Rowan’s life history; ending with “She is very shy though, she doesn’t talk much.”

“Which I can see you more than make up for.” Tor said under his breath. Ash didn’t hear and would have continued with her own life story had Tor not decided he’d had enough and floored her with a question of his own. “Why can Rowan hold my gaze and you can’t Ash? It’s my eye isn’t it? Well go on, ask me what happened.”

Ash gasped and was taken aback by his direct comment but she couldn’t deny that she had trouble looking at him. The contrast between the unharmed eye and the one that clearly saw nothing was at best uncomfortable to look at. The normally white periphery was painfully red, giving the appearance that his eye was masked with blood. “What happened?” she muttered.

“I saved a life. I consider that fair payment for my sight.”

He didn’t elaborate, and Ash thought for a moment. “Why do you use a slingshot then? Isn’t it difficult to aim?”

“My aim’s as good as any of the archers in the Guard.” He muttered; seeing her blank face he added “Malna armed forces.”

She still looked puzzled. “But you didn’t kill the kelpie.”

“Intentionally; your head was directly in the way. Or did you want to be hit? You certainly seemed to want to get yourself killed, practically followed it underwater you did.”

Ash sighed; she hoped he wouldn’t always use that against her.

They reached the nearest forest shortly after noon, and to begin with the hunt was successful. Tor showed Ash how to make snares, she fumbled and was slow at first but years’ experience repairing fishing nets meant her fingers were nimble and she quickly picked up the skill. He also showed her how to correctly use the slingshot. There was no shortage of stones in the forest, so he let her loose a few, using the trees as a target. Her aim was far from adequate, so Ash was set to work gathering roots and mushrooms while Tor sat hidden. Wolf searched through the undergrowth, startling birds which would take flight and be quickly felled by Tor’s stones. They checked the snares just as it was growing dark and bagged several rabbits and one hare. Tor seemed pleased with their haul and Ash felt that he was warming to her slightly. She had made an effort today to be quiet and work hard, like she had when her father asked for help, it didn’t last however.

They were sitting beside a small fire roasting the hare they had caught when Ash noticed a pair of eyes reflecting the firelight a small distance away. They were higher from the ground than a rabbit or weasel, which made Ash uneasy. “Tor, look over there,” She whispered and pointed. “What is it?”

Tor looked in the direction she was pointing; Wolf also stared intently but didn’t move a muscle. Ash looked back at the pair of eyes; they were shifting now, up and down. A vulpine face appeared in the firelight, the grey muzzle high, sniffing at the cooked hare. The fox didn’t proceed further into the circle of light, but stood gazing at the three companions around the fire. Ash heard the now-familiar sound of Tor swinging the slingshot. She looked around in horror and saw that he was indeed spinning the cloth in circles with his wrist, faster and faster. Before he could let go she flung herself at him and while she landed short, she reached out and knocked his elbow. The stone went wide and disappeared into the trees, as did the fox.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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