Chapter 15

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Walking down the streets I could smell the fire of my apartment going up in smoke and I could feel the hunger, a boy was running up the ally of a street as I was walking down it. He stopped to ask if I was okay he dint get to ask much more as I lunged for him and started to feed till I could feel the life draining out of him slowly till he was dead. After that I did my usual thing to the body’s I drain and left him there for people to find. Why would I care if the town knew it was a vampire and not an animal attack like they would tell the locals who did not know mystic falls secrets?


Waking up and rolling over I was thinking of the brilliant night that I had. Wow she really was amazing, sexy and fierce. Thinking of the beautiful creature that I had been with I felt out in the bed for her to find it cold and empty and then on top of the pillow that she slept on last night I find a small folded piece of paper with beautiful calligraphy on it and I began to read, getting more and more angry as I finished reading the letter I knew I needed to find her. I did not care what baggage she had or what past she had.

Up and ready and out of the shower I headed into the grill to see people talking at the bar. I saw my brother too who looked at me with sad eyes and Elena who gave me a pitiful look. “What’s happened you all look like you have been told that someone died?” the last part was more a question.

“Damon there has been a fire in the block of apartments round the corner and they have found a body” Elena told me this like it was supposed to mean something to me and slowly it sunk in who lived in the apartments round the corner.

“You can be seriously thinking its lily, in case you forgot Elena she is a vampire” she was a vampire she would have got out before the fire got to her surely.

“Damon sheriff Forbes as told us that it was a woman lily’s age and build  with a piece of her jewellery on her daylight necklace, they say they won’t be able to know for definite because she is a vampire she won’t be on any recorded but she was found in bed surrounded by bottles. Damon they think that she left a burning candle too near the curtains and fell in bed intoxicated” the more Elena spoke the more it sunk in that she could be dead. 

Leaving the grill as fast as I could and I run to the house of the originals I had to know the truth was lily dead or was it someone else in the fire.

Not bothering to knock I walk straight in to see all 4 originals in the sitting room talking, they stopped as soon as they saw me not looking bothered that I has barged into their house. “Is it true is she dead?” I got to the point I was not going to dance around the subject even if she was there sister.  They all exchanged glances and it was Elijah who had stood up and calmly walked over to me with a grim expression on his face he confirmed to my horror that it was lily who had died. I left after that not wanting to hear any more from them.

Running through the trees Klaus appeared in front of me and I could tell he was not happy “I’m not a happy person Klaus people move out of my way” I really could not be arsed with this English jack arse

“You are the reason my sister is dead” wow blame me cool. Before I knew it i was being thrown into a tree. “I’m the reason she is dead. I’m not the one she was scared to see” ouch think I just hit blow the belt there, before he could do anything else Elijah kol and Rebekah turned up and told me to leave so they could sort there brother out.

I was happy when I finally got to the bar to drown my sorrows in a nice big bottle of whiskey.

The girl I fell for after a few days was dead.


The fool is the reason that my sister is dead and he thinks that I’m going to forgive him, my family siding with him.

I knew that Elijah had lily a few days ago but me Rebekah and kol had not seen her properly since our human years. Yes I had seen her briefly a few minutes in a town or two but as soon as we knew she was there she had vanished. But I had heard of her. My sister the killer. I have heard stories of the things she has done. She burned a whole city to the ground because she was in a bad mood once. Killed people for fun hunted then down like rabbits.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Elijah calling my name. “Klaus. Klaus listen to me” he spoke to me like I was child about to have a tantrum. And a tantrum I was about to bloody have. I rose to my feet and began to scream at my brother “DO NOT TELL ME TO LISTEN. OUR SISTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF HER FEELING TO THAT BLOODY IDIOT. OUR SISTER.” A look of anger passed my brothers face as he began to speak to me “i do not think she is dead”.  Was he being a fool?

She was spotted going into her apartment. The body was the same height and build and they found personal jewellery form our mother on her yet my brother does not think it is her. “Do tell why you don’t think it’s her brother I am interested to know” let me her silly boy out might as well.

“A body was also found around 3 hours after the fire by the sheriff, a vampire attack. I was nearby when they found the body and how the body was laid out. Its lily’s signature when she flips her switch it’s how she leaves the bodies of the people she has killed” my sisters signature was a horrible thing how she came up with it was something I have always wanted to know. My brother continued to talk “Klaus the body was found with its heart ripped out and neck bitten eye balls ripped out and all fingers torn off as well as toes, its lily’s old signature” so she flipped the switch before she died that still does not mean to me that she is still alive.

“has it not accord to you that she might have killed him before the fire” before I could say anything else he began to speak “yes it did and when the medical examiner showed up he said that the time of death was half an hour after the fire was started which means either lily is alive and just had no humanity or someone is copying her killing style brother”

I do not believe that someone would copy her killing style, but why would she fake her own death?” why would my sister fake her own death she could easily kill the whole human population of mystic falls if she wanted to,  she has to bigger cities in the past.

One thought that was in my mind was something I needed an answer too “so when brother did you tell the Salvatore that she is dead?”

He looked at me like I should know the answer to the question.

“That Salvatore like’s our dear sister and if he thinks she is dead it is one less who will go looking for her, she is a ticking time bomb and when she has switched off her humanity the last thing we need is Damon confessing his love to her. It’s us that need to help her Klaus, her family”.  I must give it to Elijah he is good at this.

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