Falling In Love

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After 4 months

Kartik and Naira used to meet everyday.
With each and every day,Kartik fell more and more in love with Naira.
He confessed his feelings for Naira to Naksh.
Naksh asked him to confess to Naira.

One day,Kartik and Naira were walking.
Kartik was walking in front of Naira facing her and moving backwards holding her hand.

Kartik's foot hit a stone and he fell down.
Naira fell over Kartik.
They both were looking into each other's eyes.
Suddenly,Naira saw Kartik's face.
His head had a minor cut and it was bleeding.
Naira got up and helped Kartik in getting up.
They both settled on the bench nearby.
Naira took out her bottle and soaked her handkerchief.
She cleaned the wound with it.
Kartik was looking in her eyes which were saying something.
Naira knew Kartik was continuously looking at her.
She looked up at him.
Their faces were very close.

Kartik bend towards Naira. Naira closed her eyes.
Kartik was abt to kiss Naira when Naira realised their position.

She pushed Kartik.
Kartik was abt to say something but Naira slapped him.
Naira blasted over him for getting close to her.
She warned him to stay away from her.
She scolded him saying that his parents raised him with these dirty values.

This broke Kartik completely.
Naira in anger left from there.

Kartik didn't come back till night.
Naksh was getting worried for him.
He called Kartik various times but he didn't pick.

So he called Naira and asked him abt Kartik.
Naira got tensed.
Naksh and Naira both went to find Kartik but he was nowhere.

They were moving here and there to find Kartik.
They saw a shadow of a person at a distance.
Naira knew he was kartik because she can feel his presence.
She ran towards him.
She called his name but he didn't stop.

She held Kartik's hand and turned him towards her.
She was shocked to see his condition.
His eyes were puffy,red and tears were still flowing from his eyes.

Naksh came towards him and asked him where he was till now.
Kartik told Naksh that he wants to talk to him alone.
He completely avoided Naira.

Naira felt bad. She was heart-broken but why?
Naira left from there crying.

Naksh asked Kartik what happened?
Kartik told Naksh everything.
Naksh and Kartik went to their apartment.

There,Naira was lying on her bed.
Her face in her pillow.
She was crying.
She was confused why she was feeling restless when Kartik is in pain.

Why she feels complete when she is with Kartik? Why she feels hurt whenever she sees Kartik sad?
What is it ?

She closed her eyes and saw Kartik's smiling face and His funny talks.

Soon she realised that she loves Kartik.

Another realisation took her, when she remembered her father.
She knew that if his father came to know abt it he will kill her and Kartik.
She wasn't worried abt herself but Kartik.

Next day

Kartik goes to dean and ask him if he can transfer Kartik to some other college for studying.
Dean asked Kartik the reason.
He said that due to some personal reason he has to do it.

Dean asked him to take few days and think.
Kartik agreed.

He left the office and went towards the class.

While going towards class,Kartik saw Naira.
But he ignored her and turned his face.

In mind Kartik was thinking that he will never show his face to Naira now as he's going far.

After 1 week

Kartik was ignoring Naira completely.

But inside their hearts,they both were crying and their hearts were crushing into pieces.

Naksh came to meet Naira and taunted her that she should be happy now. As Kartik will not be her headache from now.
He's going far very far.
She has broke his heart.

When Naira heard the words that Kartik's going.....
She ran from there.
She tried to find Kartik.

She felt her heartbeats increasing.
She turned her face and saw Kartik going inside the train.

Kartik could feel Naira's presence but he brushed off the feeling and thought that why she would come here.

Will Naira be able to stop Kartik??
Will she confess her love??
Will she be able to tell Kartik abt her father??

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